Skip to 0 minutes and 8 seconds How can we best tackle the climate crisis? What should be the limits of medical interventions that prolong or enhance life? Can you own parts of space? What scientific research should or should not be funded? Who should decide how new science is used? These are a few of the big questions facing people and the planet. Science can help us to answer these questions - but it only takes us so far. Just as scientists are increasingly working in interdisciplinary teams, this course explores a set of resources that will enable teachers to go beyond the boundaries of science with their students, and to consider, holistically, some of the most important issues of our time.
Skip to 0 minutes and 52 seconds When it comes to big questions we need to use science AND other ways of knowing - from economics and politics to philosophy and religion - in order to help us search for meaning, purpose and truth. In this course we want to spark your curiosity about science beyond subject boundaries and enable you to tackle
Skip to 1 minute and 13 seconds important topics such as: Artificial life Commercial exploration of space Human enhancement Climate engineering Art conservation The resources we’ve developed will take your students’ thinking beyond the boundaries of science lessons, to highlight the benefits – and necessity – of exploring these topics from interdisciplinary perspectives. Whilst completing this MOOC, you will explore the benefits of interdisciplinary teaching for your students, hear from teachers and students about their experiences, and develop a range of practical strategies for successfully incorporating interdisciplinary work in your school or classroom. By engaging with big questions of science, from a range of different perspectives, students can develop skills, understandings and enthusiasms that help make them better scientists - and better citizens. What part could you play in this?