Skip to 0 minutes and 0 seconds (light instrumental music)
Skip to 0 minutes and 8 seconds <v ->So the migration experience is a human experience.</v> The migration experience, it’s an experience that makes us thrive. We have to move, life is movement. And so when movement stops, life stops. <v ->There’s significant evidence that says</v> that migration is a controversial issue that elicits polarised opinions from people. Schools can be an ideal place to explore and better understand the issues around migration. So in this course, we bring new world class experts in the issue of migration. They’ll talk to you about why migration occurs, and where it occurs. <v ->People come from all over the world,</v> for lots of different reasons. <v ->You know, as humans, if we could not migrate,</v> I’m sure we’d be extinct.
Skip to 0 minutes and 55 seconds <v ->First, we need to understand.</v> For us to understand, we need to give it the attention that it deserves. <v ->I mean, one has never been able to stop migration, right?</v> Whatever we do, like however restrictive our policies are, or how open our policies are, people will continue to migrate. <v ->In this course, we’ll also share with you</v> resources that have been trialled and tested in the classroom, that will help you think about how you can teach about migration through a large data set. The resources will helped bring the issues of migration to life for students, and get them to think critically about the world around them.
Skip to 1 minute and 29 seconds <v ->Each data line is a human being.</v> It tells you something about that human being. And when you see all those data lines, all those human beings in the round, you can start to see patterns, and you can start to see differences. Ultimately, it can help us to tell a different story about what migration is for the people who are living it. (peaceful instrumental music)