Learn from experts at Cancer Research UK about how you could save lives by talking about cancer prevention and early detection.

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Talking About Cancer: Reducing Risk, Early Detection and Myth-busting
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Learn how to talk about reducing cancer risk and spotting cancer early.
1 in 2 people in the UK born after 1960 will be diagnosed with some form of cancer during their lifetime. Talking about how to reduce cancer risk and the importance of early detection isn’t always easy, but it can make a real difference to peoples’ health.
You might be worried you’ll say the wrong thing or that you simply don’t know enough about the subject. The Talk Cancer experts from Cancer Research UK’s cancer awareness training programme are here to help.
Taking aspects from the Talk Cancer workshop, on this course you’ll learn…
How to talk to people about how to reduce the risk of cancer
There are a variety of things that can help to reduce people’s risk of cancer, such a not smoking and keeping a healthy weight. This course will help you to support people to understand what causes cancer and what healthy changes they could make to reduce their risk.
The importance of early detection of cancer
Spotting cancer early increases the chances of survival. You’ll learn how to talk to others about the importance of early diagnosis and encourage people to know what’s normal for their body and visit their doctor if they notice any unusual changes.
The skills you gain on this course could also be helpful when talking to somebody affected by cancer.
What topics will you cover?
- Key facts and health messages about cancer prevention, the national cancer screening programmes and the importance of early diagnosis.
- How to talk about cancer and have conversations with others to help them take positive action.
- Identification of people’s possible barriers to making positive changes for their health or seeing a doctor.
- Communication methods that can help people overcome these barriers and avoid defensiveness and fear.
- Identifying how our own feelings can affect how we approach conversations.
- How to signpost people to the right places for cancer advice and support.
- Creating an action plan so that you can feel confident when talking about cancer.
Learning on this course
On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.
What will you achieve?
By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...
- Summarise simple, reliable facts about cancer, prevention, early diagnosis and cancer screening.
- Engage those around you in effective conversations about cancer.
- Identify appropriate sources of support and information about cancer, and signpost people to them.
- Assess the barriers that can prevent people from taking positive action for their health or visiting the doctor, and engage them in a way that encourages them to take action.
- Develop a plan of action to help you talk about cancer.
Who is the course for?
This course is designed for anyone who would like to improve their ability – personally or professionally – to have conversations about cancer and health.
It will be particularly useful for those with an interest in sharing the causes of cancer, the importance of early diagnosis and advocating for cancer prevention and cancer screening.
The course will be helpful professionally for those working or volunteering in the following healthcare areas: health advocacy, health promotion, care and support work, community health centres and services, GP surgeries, mental health, nursing, occupational therapy, oncology, osteopathy, pharmacy, physiotherapy, dentistry, public health, radiotherapy, sexual health, social work.
What do people say about this course?
"It was relayed well with thought-provoking videos and gave sound advice on overcoming barriers to communication…very useful course giving me a chance to reflect on my role within the workplace"
"The course has surpassed my expectations not only for the valuable information related to cancer and awareness, also to the transferable ideas and tools provided…I feel much more confident in talking about cancer with others"
Who will you learn with?
Gill has been a nurse for 30 years, with a variety of experience in the cancer field. Gill joined Cancer Research UK in 2009, and is now one of the Lead Cancer Awareness Trainers at the charity.
Gwen trained as a nurse, working in a variety of settings with cancer patients before joining Cancer Research UK in 1998 on the Nurse Helpline. Gwen works as a Lead Cancer Awareness Trainer.
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