Find out how clinicians can work with Employment Specialists to improve employment rates for those with health conditions.

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Supporting Individuals with Health Conditions Into Work: The Role of the Clinical Team
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Help people with health conditions gain employment
Employment rates for individuals accessing health services are unacceptably low. Individual Placement and Support (IPS) is an employment support approach that helps people experiencing mental and physical health issues get into work fast, taking into account their goals and preferences.
This two-week course from Social Finance will help you understand more about IPS, why work is important, and how it links to the recovery agenda. You’ll also learn more about your role in encouraging patients to think about work from point of referral and keep asking.
Explore the role of clinicians in IPS
IPS is recognised as the most effective way to help people with health or addiction problems gain and keep paid employment, which is why it is linked to NHS England’s Long Term Plan.
You’ll look at the evidence supporting IPS and the role clinicians play. An integrated approach is crucial, so you’ll delve into common challenges and barriers that stop referrals, with the aim to help you prevent roadblocks to the process.
Discover practical approaches to support clients
This course will guide you through working with Employment Specialists to help clients secure and sustain employment. You’ll learn practical ways to support clients at work, which will help them towards continued employment and recovery.
Learn with experts from Social Finance, commissioned by NHS England
Social Finance has been supporting the national expansion of IPS for the past two and a half years, having been commissioned by NHS England.
Following the very successful first course, Supporting People with Health Conditions into Work: IPS, Social Finance have developed this course tailored for clinicians.
Week 1
An Introduction to Individual Placement and Support (IPS) for practitioners
Understand what IPS is and what the course will cover.
How is work linked to the recovery agenda?
Why work is important and how this links to the recovery agenda.
The Evidence Base
What is Individual Placement Support (IPS), what is the evidence and how does this link with the LTP and wider treatment plan.
IPS in the NHS Long-Term Plan
The NHS Long Term Plan (published in January 2019), commits to grow investment in mental health services faster than the overall NHS budget.
Week 2
The Role of Clinical Team Professionals/Key Workers in IPS
Let's talk about work
Understand why work is important and explore the role of clinicians in IPS
Common barriers that stop referrals
This section explores zero exclusion and myth busting. You'll hear from IPS clients who have been supported through the IPS service and learn why access to paid employment is an important health outcome for health services.
When would you like to start?
Date to be announced
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Learning on this course
On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.
What will you achieve?
By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...
- Explore why work is important and how it links to the recovery agenda
- Explore the IPS evidence base and link to the NHS LTP
- Explore the role of clinicians in IPS
- Identify common barriers that stop referrals
Who is the course for?
This course is designed for Clinical Team members working with individuals with health conditions.
Who will you learn with?
Lynne brings 30 years of experience in the health and employment field and is currently Head of IPS Grow. This includes experience of developing services in the private, third and public sector.
I am a freelance IPS Consultant and Trainer with frontline experience in Individual Placement and Support as a practitioner, team lead and implementation manager in both the NHS & third sector.
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