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Study Skills for International Students

A course looking at key skills that international students need in order to be successful at a UK university.

22,570 enrolled on this course

  • Duration

    4 weeks
  • Weekly study

    2 hours

This course looks at some of the key skills that international students need in order to be successful at a UK university. It is special because of the way it has been produced. Our English language and study skills teachers at INTO UEA surveyed and interviewed students who had already successfully completed a course and progressed to study at the University. We asked them about the things that they had found most challenging when they started their university programme. This course has been developed as a result of what those international students told us, as well as the experience INTO UEA colleagues have in preparing international students for university study.

Over the four weeks of the course you will hear top tips from international students already studying at university in the UK. You will also hear teachers talking about the key skills that international students need to do well. Our aim is to give you the best possible chance of success in your studies.

Each week there will be videos, articles, quizzes and discussions that will help you develop your study skills. At the end of each week there will be an exercise which will review what has been learned. There will also be the opportunity for you to discuss your ideas with other learners on the course.

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Skip to 0 minutes and 6 seconds Coming to study in the UK is an exciting time in your life but it can also be a stressful and challenging time. My name is Paul Hullock and I work at INTO the University of East Anglia in Norwich. Preparing international students for both undergraduate and postgraduate study. I’m also involved in providing ongoing help and support to international students who are already studying at the University of East Anglia. The course is going to show you how to be a successful student at a British University. This course is very special as it’s been developed and designed in partnership with the international students studying here at the INTO UEA centre.

Skip to 0 minutes and 47 seconds We research their needs, ask them for their views and involve them in building a course that was directly relevant to their experiences as an international student. You’ll get to meet some of them during the course, you will discover how they feel about studying in the UK and get some of their top tips for making the best of your time at a British University. You’ll be guided through this four-week course by myself and colleagues from INTO University of East Anglia. However this is just the first step on your journey to claiming your future.

What topics will you cover?

  • Research skills - Understanding questions
  • Research skills - Finding information
  • Research skills - Using information
  • Academic writing - Objectivity
  • Academic writing - Formality
  • Academic writing - Structure
  • Reading
  • Interpreting data
  • Presenting data
  • Listening and speaking

Learning on this course

On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Identify expectations for UK standard academic writing and use techniques to improve.
  • Identify expectations for research in standard UK Higher Education Institutions and use techniques to improve research capabilities.
  • Identify UK expectations for listening and discussing in standard academic contexts and use techniques to improve academic conversation skills.
  • Identify expectations in UK for data presentations and access resources to help improve.

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for students who do not speak English as their first language. Everyone is welcome to take part in the course. However, students who have an IELTS level of 5.0 and above will gain most from studying on this programme.

Who will you learn with?

Paul Hullock

I am Head of Academic Development at INTO Universty of East Anglia. I teach English and have an interest in educational technology and academic English and look forward to meeting you on the course.

Who developed the course?

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UEA (University of East Anglia)

The University of East Anglia is an internationally renowned university providing top quality academic, social and cultural facilities to over 15,000 students from over 100 countries around the globe.



INTO University of East Anglia was established in 2006 as a beacon of successful campus internationalisation.

Learning on FutureLearn

Your learning, your rules

  • Courses are split into weeks, activities, and steps to help you keep track of your learning
  • Learn through a mix of bite-sized videos, long- and short-form articles, audio, and practical activities
  • Stay motivated by using the Progress page to keep track of your step completion and assessment scores

Join a global classroom

  • Experience the power of social learning, and get inspired by an international network of learners
  • Share ideas with your peers and course educators on every step of the course
  • Join the conversation by reading, @ing, liking, bookmarking, and replying to comments from others

Map your progress

  • As you work through the course, use notifications and the Progress page to guide your learning
  • Whenever you’re ready, mark each step as complete, you’re in control
  • Complete 90% of course steps and all of the assessments to earn your certificate

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