Skip to 0 minutes and 5 seconds Hello, everyone. Welcome to String Music Appreciation. 弓與弦的午茶時光 My name is Shan-ken Chien. This is one of massive open online courses (MOOCs) in Chung Yuan Chirstian University. One specialty of this course is that I invited my friends of musicians from Manhattan Chamber Music Society to perform some live music in the show.
Skip to 0 minutes and 35 seconds Chamber music is a group of people working together and create* something special that cannot be done individually. Just like any other team work. As musicians our job is to understand the meaning of each note each symbol, and each phrase on the written music. To do that, we must have understanding of the musical time period and the style of that time period. I think music is about connecting people. MOOCs can help us connect with the world and they share our music and experience. Through MOOCs, we can show people how we create our music How we learn to understand the composers and their ideas. We could share them how each instrument work And what kinds of sound they provided.
Skip to 1 minute and 30 seconds We throw out our ideas to each other And discuss the possibilities to make our music better. I believe this is very important as a human being– To make the world better.