Skip to 0 minutes and 8 seconds You’re probably already an expert in wellbeing. You know it matters more than anything else in life. You’ve pursued it all your life. And hopefully, you’ve also made it happen for other people too. We’re all, in our private lives but also in our public roles co-responsible for one another’s well being. However, how many organisations do you know that really do the best possible job at making people’s lives go really, really well? Well in this course we’re going to help you realise the radical potential of wellbeing as a socially transformative concept. We believe that all individuals and all organisations can learn to converse and to think more intelligently about well being.
Skip to 0 minutes and 50 seconds Increasingly, people are recognising the importance of paying attention, not just to individual well being, and the things we can do to look after ourselves, but also paying attention to things that happen at wider societal levels. So social goods that can only be produced collectively, but which are really important in contributing to well being. Each week we will offer a simple introduction to concepts and research on well being, and its rule for both planning and learning. The main emphasis of the course is on real world experiences. You will not just from academics, but in particular practitioners and organisations involved in the advocacy of well being.
Skip to 1 minute and 38 seconds If you can imagine a better society in which collective action is directed towards well being, then this course is for you. So we’re really looking forward to welcoming you onto this course.