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Short Film in Language Teaching

Find out how teaching with short film can bring alive the learning of languages and introduce rich cultural content to lessons.

24,068 enrolled on this course

Lead educator Muriel teaching language in a classroom at the whiteboard

Short Film in Language Teaching

24,068 enrolled on this course

  • 3 weeks

  • 3 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Intermediate level

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Use short film in foreign language teaching and learning

Learners of a new language face exciting challenges in developing their abilities to speak, listen, read and write and in learning about other cultures. Through short film, teachers can bring new worlds into the classroom and bring language learning alive.

Research has shown that short film has much to offer language teachers in helping learners develop their knowledge of language and cultural awareness. This online course will share ways of teaching languages through the medium of short film that will inspire and motivate both teacher and learner, and improve attainment significantly.

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Skip to 0 minutes and 7 seconds Hi. I’d like to invite you to sign up for our course, Short Film in Language Teaching. In my opinion there is no better way to invigorate a language class, than by using film. My name is Muriel Huet and I’m a language teacher and teaching consultant. Throughout my career I have found that introducing film into my language teaching, excites learners in ways that other lesson content doesn’t. This course is a step-by-step guide to making the best possible use of foreign language short films. We will introduce you to teachers, educators and experts, who will illustrate to you, the enormous benefits that short film can bring to the classroom.

Skip to 0 minutes and 45 seconds This course will equip you with a range of simple, but effective techniques that have the potential to increase your language students attainment and enjoyment. It doesn’t matter what set, or what level, or how many students you’re dealing with, you will be able to find a way to make that film very interesting and captivating and to bring languages alive for those students. We kind of think of it as “real French” rather than textbook French. We hear the words are in a different language, but you can see what they’re trying to say in their language.

Skip to 1 minute and 14 seconds I think it allows people to apply their knowledge they already have of French, into real-life situations and how people would use certain phrases and certain tenses in real life. We’ll be using several short foreign language films that you can use in your classes and we will also direct you to a host of other film resources, that you can explore. This course does not require any specialist or technical film knowledge, but by the end of it, we think you will have the confidence to use and make short films that bring languages to life. So join us and bring a little film magic into your language classroom.

What topics will you cover?

  • Some key pedagogies and approaches to teaching languages using short film.
  • Working with creative technologies in language learning.
  • Assessing language learning using the different dimensions of film including sound, image and time.
  • Film language and language learning.
  • Film sound and languages, and how sound can be exploited for language learning.
  • Teaching with film music and genre.
  • Film dialogue and language learning.
  • The film image and language learning - how the varying dimensions of the film image can be used in language teaching and learning.
  • Exploring body language, facial expression and the image in film, for use in the languages classroom.
  • Film time and languages - flashbacks, backstory and the past tense. Present tense, narrating and ellipsis. Flash Forward, prediction and future tense.

When would you like to start?

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  • Available now

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What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Discuss the principles behind working with short film in language teaching
  • Ability to design effective teaching strategies for working with film in language teaching
  • Develop an understanding of what the language of film, especially short film, offers in support of language teaching
  • Explore the use of creative film technologies to support effective language teaching

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for language educators, in any setting, who want to develop their professional expertise in film-rich approaches to teaching.

It will be particularly beneficial to those teaching Spanish or French, although the learning outcomes will benefit educators with expertise in any language.

What do people say about this course?

"This was a great course and it really opened my mind to the extensive possibilities of using film in the classroom. I had a few set films that I used to use for specific language tasks but now I have a treasure chest full of ideas. My students will benefit greatly."

"Thanks everyone for an engaging three weeks thinking about using film in language learning, and creating what felt like a real learning environment in a virtual world."

Who will you learn with?

Muriel Huet

I am an Education Consultant, with 14 years’ experience in teaching, developing educational strategies and teacher training across 12 countries.I specialise in teaching languages with short films

Mark Reid

I've been working at the BFI in London for over 20 years, looking after a range of education programmes and projects. Before that I taught in schools in south London as an English and Media teacher.

Who developed the course?

BFI Film Forever logo

The British Film Institute (BFI)

The British Film Institute (BFI) was founded in 1933 and is a charity governed by a Royal Charter. It has three priorities – education, supporting the UK film industry and unlocking film heritage.

Into Film logo

Into Film

Into Film is a UK-wide film and education charity, which puts film at the heart of children and young people’s learning, contributing to their cultural, creative and personal development.

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