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Protecting Health Data in the Modern Age: Getting to Grips with the GDPR

Learn how the GDPR helps to protect health data and get familiar with rights, obligations, risks and safeguards.

8,450 enrolled on this course

Stethoscope on top of a list of data.

Protecting Health Data in the Modern Age: Getting to Grips with the GDPR

8,450 enrolled on this course

  • 2 weeks

  • 3 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Introductory level

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Join this course to understand how health data is protected

People use technologies to track their fitness and health. Medical and health professionals use technologies to treat patients. These technologies generate a lot of health data. With technological developments in the health sector come questions of privacy.

This course will explore the protection of health data in light of the GDPR. You will learn about rights, obligations, risks, safeguards and many other related aspects. By exploring the changing data protection landscape, you will improve your awareness of how to protect health data in an evolving digital and technical world.

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Skip to 0 minutes and 4 seconds Mobile phones. Wearables. Computers. Tablets. Electronic patient files. MRI scans. Ultrasounds. ECGs. X-rays. All these electronic solutions and more are used on a daily basis. People use sports apps to track their progress. Health care professionals use tablets to access electronic patient files and exchange information with their colleagues. These solutions generate a lot of data. Do you know what happens to this health data? What if the state has exchanged between health care professionals, or even crosses borders? What if commercial apps are used in a medical context? How is this data kept secure against hacking? How is this data protected? The new General Data Protection Regulation provides legal protection to address these questions and more.

Skip to 0 minutes and 49 seconds During this course, you will meet the girl next door, Anna. Anna’s case will help us to find answers in light of the GDPR. She will serve as an example throughout the course. During this course, you will learn to identify possible risks to processing health data in light of new technological developments. You will explore how to address these risks, in light of the GDPR. Various topics, such as rights and obligations, cross-border transfer, and safeguards will be dealt with to tackle questions of protecting sensitive data. If you’re interested in finding out more about the protection of health data– Come join our course.


  • Week 1

    Introduction to protecting health data

    • Mobile phone, stethoscope and data


      Introduction to the protection of health data in light of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

    • Laptop with sign of Europe

      Legal aspects

      Introduction to the legal aspects of the protection of health data

    • Data subject - Data controller - Data processor

      GDPR obligations and sensitive data

      Obligations and sensitive data with regard health data

    • Data flow between institutions

      Transferring health data

      Transferring health data

    • Shaking hands and data


      Learn more on the role of consent for processing (health) data.

    • Digital people

      Rights of data subjects

      Learn more about the rights of data subjects according to the GDPR.

    • Hacker surrounded by data


      There are risks involved when processing health data, both in the offline and online world.

  • Week 2

    Protecting health data in the modern age

    • Social media logos

      Apps and wearables

      Apps and wearables

    • Hacker surrounded by data


      What are the risks involved in using modern technologies such as apps and wearables for the processing of health data?

    • Data flow between institutions

      Cross-border health data

      Cross-border health data

    • Laboratory

      Medical research

      Introduction to the relevance to society as regards medical research.

    • Digital people


      Introducing safeguards

    • Computer harddrive

      Data retention

      Another important safeguard, next to anonymisation, is data retention.

    • Mobile phone, stethoscope and data

      Summary and closing

      Summary and closing

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  • Available now

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What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Identify legal terminology as well as the legal obligations as regards health data.
  • Identify risks involved in processing health data, in particular in light of technological developments.
  • Identify the rights of data subjects as regards health data.
  • Explore the impact of the legal framework on new technologies used in healthcare, more specifically apps and wearables.
  • Investigate the possibilities of using health data for research purposes.

Who is the course for?

The course is aimed at anyone who is interested in the legal framework concerning health data. It will be of particular interest to medical and health professionals as well as medical researchers, insurers, IT developers, students, patients and other individuals who want to learn more about data protection and the GDPR as regards health data.

There are no requirements or expected pre-knowledge required to follow this course successfully. You may also be interested in Understanding the General Data Protection Regulation.

Who will you learn with?

Melania Tudorica

Research fellow EU projects/ PhD researcher at the University of Groningen working on privacy issues, in particular in healthcare.

Trix Mulder

PhD researcher and lecturer at the University of Groningen working on privacy issues, in particular in healthcare.

Jeanne Mifsud Bonnici

Professor of European Technology Law and Human Rights and Co-Leader of the STeP Research Team at the University of Groningen.

Who developed the course?

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University of Groningen

The University of Groningen (UG) is a broad and international university that covers all fields of academia and technology. The UG is deeply rooted in the Northern Netherlands and has grown into an open academic community of 37,500 students and 6,000 staff members.

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