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A lecture extract and notes

Watch this extract from a lecture, with academic Colin Campbell and hear from other Learners what method they would use to make notes from the talk.

Watch this extract from a lecture, in which Colin Campbell is talking about the impacts of technology on language learning.

Whilst you watch the video think about the following two questions.

  • How did the PowerPoint slides help you to understand the lecture extract?
  • Did the lecturer explain any key vocabulary?

Now read through the three types of notes below, which were made from this lecture extract. Some lecturers will share their presentation slides in advance or give you printed copies, so that you can annotate them. If you’re not given this, your only options are to write linear notes, or mind maps. You may be able to type your notes straight into a tablet or laptop, or you may prefer to handwrite them onto paper, you may even be able to handwrite onto a touchscreen device, for conversion to electronic text.

Linear notes

Linear hand written notes on lined paper:Lecture: Corpus linguistics and language teaching Wed. 16 May Example: Academic Word List (AWL) - devd. by Coxhead (2000) for her MA dissertation. (check article in TESOL Quarterly) - Includes 570 word families ( e.g. economy, economics, economic etc.) - 10 sublists, all words are academic (e.g. analyse, concept, data) - Corpus of 3.5 m. words in ac. texts was analysed, then 570 word families were selected for inclusion in AWL.

Mind map

Hand written mind map with one circle in the centre and 4 other surrounding it. At the centre is 'Academic Word List' that has been circled. Pointing towards this circle is '10 sublists, all words are academic (e.g. analyse, concept, data)' in one circle and 'devd. by Coxhead (2000) for her MA dissertation' in another circle. A side note is written 'check article in TESOL Quarterly' towards this circle. An arrow pointing from 'Academic Word List' circle to another circle that says '570 word families ( e.g. economy, economics, economic etc.)' which also has another circle pointing towards that has written inside 'Corpus of 3.5 m. words in ac. texts was analysed'

Annotated handout

A screen shot of the notes from a power point slide that has arrows and hand written notes surrounding it

  • Which of the 3 ways of taking notes, do you prefer and why?
  • What abbreviations were used in the notes to save time?

Post your comment below and don’t forget to read and reply to comments by other learners.

Finally read this PDF for a discussion of the three types of notes, provided by the educators.

Colin Campbell refers to the Academic Word List, a resource which can help you decide which words to learn, if you need to develop your vocabulary. Look for learning materials which have been developed on the basis of the AWL.

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