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Nutrition Science: Obesity and Healthy Weight Loss

Delve into the lifestyle contributors and lived experience of obesity and how to healthily promote weight loss.

2,676 enrolled on this course

A measuring tape wrapped around a silver fork on a yellow background.

Nutrition Science: Obesity and Healthy Weight Loss

2,676 enrolled on this course

  • 4 weeks

  • 5 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

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Learn theories in human nutrition and weight management

According to NHS Digital, in the year 2019/2020, over 1 million hospital admissions were linked to obesity.

On this four-week course, you’ll reflect on the role of nutrition in influencing weight gain as well as the lived experience of obesity to truly understand the different contributing factors.

You’ll also have the opportunity to enhance your ability to analyse current and developing theories in human nutrition and weight management.

You’ll discover the epidemiology trends in obesity and also understand the major lifestyle contributors to obesity and weight gain in society.

You’ll examine the principles of nutrition and critically evaluate the evidence base for nutrition guidelines.

Unpack the challenges of obesity treatment and prevention

As you explore the contributors to weight gain, you’ll also discover the many challenges for the prevention and treatment of obesity and how these can be overcome.

You’ll examine the dietary strategies on body weight management and the physiological and psychological bases of weight gain. With this knowledge, you’ll have the ability to evaluate what affects weight wellness.

Understand the barriers and enablers of weight loss management

To understand the impact on longer-term weight management, you’ll explore the barriers and enablers to post-weight loss management.

This will help you describe both the strengths and limitations of weight loss methods as you evaluate these with supporting evidence.

You’ll hear from health care professionals, clinicians, and people living with obesity to ensure you finish the course with greater knowledge and empathy of the causes of weight gain.

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Skip to 0 minutes and 0 seconds ALEX JOHNSTON: Hello, I’m Professor Alex Johnston, and I’m based at the Rowett Institute part of the University of Aberdeen. I’m a research scientist in diet and health, and I’m the lead educator for this course on obesity and weight loss with FutureLearn. As a learner on this course, you will be learning about the cause and prevention of obesity. We use the latest research to look at both the nutritional and the non-nutritional factors linked to obesity, and cover some of the myths that surround some of the many diets available. We will cover hot topics such as the role of the microbiome, personalised nutrition, and timing of eating.

Skip to 0 minutes and 45 seconds You will also hear about some of the approaches to maintaining energy balance after weight loss. And importantly, we’re going to be teaching you some of the skills to allow you to evaluate and make sense of research findings. Now this course is ideally suited to those that are working in health care and allied professions, but also those in the food and drinks industry who want to deepen their knowledge in this area. The course is run completely online, so that you can set your own study schedule, with a mix of videos, discussions, quizzes, and tasks. You will have support from experts in the field, from researchers, clinicians, and patients themselves. That’s really important.

Skip to 1 minute and 31 seconds And throughout the course, you’ll be supported by the educators and by the other learners on the course. We look forward to welcoming you on the course.


  • Week 1

    Prevention of Obesity and Overweight

    • Prof. Alex Johnstone

      Welcome to the Course

      A warm welcome to the course! I am excited to share my passion for nutrition science with you and explore the topics related to obesity and healthy weight loss. I am hoping this will be an exciting learning journey for you!

    • A doctor examining a patient.

      Is Obesity a Disease?

      This is a question that raises huge controversies. In this activity, we present the epidemiology of obesity and discuss the associations with non-communicable diseases. Join the discussion and share your point of view!

    • Measuring tape

      How do we Measure Obesity?

      Have you ever explored different ways of assessing body weight status? The BMI and waist circumference are the most commonly used measures, but these are not without limitations, which we will discuss in this activity.

    • Dr Giles Yeo

      Is it all in the Genes?

      Dr Giles Yeo MBE who is a Principal Research Associate at MRC Metabolic Diseases Unit and a Scientific Director of the Genomics/Transcriptomics Core at the University of Cambridge will discuss the genetic context of obesity.

    • A graphic depicting a silhouette of a head with an abstract representation of the brain superimposed on top.

      The Science of Food Choice and Behaviour

      Is obesity determined by biology or is it all in the head? This activity will focus on explaining physiological and psychological factors associated with obesity.

    • A woman studying using a laptop computer.

      End of the Week Summary

      This week you learnt about the prevention of obesity and overweight. In this activity, you will receive guidance on how to find reliable sources of information and access peer-reviewed articles.

  • Week 2

    Weight Loss Diets

    • A person holding a bowl of vegetables with a measuring tape around their midriff.

      Welcome to week 2

      Welcome to week 2! This week you will explore nutritional aspects of overweight and obesity. We will debunk some of the myths related to weight-loss and look at the obesity topic from the clinician and patient perspectives.

    • A table with multiple plates and utensils of food.

      Popular Diets and Dieting Myths

      Have you ever wondered where the weight goes when it's lost? Or which diet is most effective? We'll address these questions in this activity and we encourage you to take part in the discussion on the evidence behind popular diets.

    • A doctor speaking to another person and writing on a clipboard.

      Clinical and Patient Perspective

      In this activity you will meet two experts who will help you in getting an insight into clinical and patient perspectives: Dr Kevin Deans – Service Clinical Director in Clinical Biochemistry and Ken Clare - chair of the EASO ECPO.

    • A person writing in a notebook and using a calculator.

      End of the Week Summary

      This week you have learnt about the nutritional aspects of weight loss. This activity will allow you to apply your knowledge with a hands-on task to calculate your own energy requirement.

  • Week 3

    Non-Nutritional Aspects of Weight Loss

    • People riding bikes through a forest trail.

      Welcome to Week 3

      Welcome to week 3! This week we focus on the non-nutritional aspects of weight loss, such as physical activity, psychological factors or bariatric surgery. Join the discussion share your views on weight-loss barriers & gateways.

    • Three kettlebells.

      The Role of Physical Activity and Sleep

      This activity was created for you to get a better understanding of the role of physical activity and sleep in the weight loss process and to gain practical skills of calculating energy expenditure.

    • A surgeon adjusting their gloves in an operating theatre.

      Alternative approaches in body weight managment

      This activity discusses other routes in weight loss strategies including behavioural change, bariatric surgery and explores links with gut microbiota.

    • A barrier with a sign reading "Stop"

      End of the Week Summary

      We hope you enjoyed learning about the non-nutritional aspects of weight loss. It is time to test your knowledge in the quiz provided and share your views on what promotes weight gain and what are the main barriers in weigh loss.

  • Week 4

    Weight Loss Maintenance

    • A person climbing over rocky terrain.

      Welcome to Week 4

      Welcome to week 4! This week we will focus on the most challenging part of the process - weight loss maintenance. The topics discussed include the time of eating, post-weight-loss wellness and public health perspective.

    • A table with food and beverages. A clock is superimposed over the image.

      Time of Eating

      The main focus in the last few decades of nutrition research was on WHAT we need to eat (or avoid) to be healthy. The recent findings suggest that the timing of eating might be of equal importance.

    • A person in a supermarket studying a product and holding a sheet of notepaper.

      Obesity - Personal or State Responsibility?

      This is one of the most controversial questions in the obesity topic. In this activity you will learn about public health strategies. What's your view on this - take part in the poll!

    • A tablet computer on a table with some fruit and vegetables. The tablet is displaying a document about calories.

      Post Weight-Loss Wellness

      As you have learnt so far losing weight can be very difficult. Unfortunately, it can be even harder to keep the weight off. Meet the experts who will discuss weight-loss maintenance and the role of physical activity.

    • Three people on a beach wearing sunglasses.

      End of Week Summary

      This week we have covered topics around the post-weight-loss challenges and discussed the latest chrono-nutrition research. It is time now, to reflect on what you have learnt so far in the peer-reviewed assignment.

    • The phrase "Well done!" written in a handwriting-style script.

      End of Course Video

      Congratulations! We hope you enjoyed the course and learned a lot to take forward in your career and/or personal life.

When would you like to start?

Start straight away and join a global classroom of learners. If the course hasn’t started yet you’ll see the future date listed below.

  • Available now

Learning on this course

On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Discuss the major lifestyle contributors to obesity and weight gain in society and the challenges for prevention and treatment.
  • Explain the principles of nutrition and how they impact weight loss and critically evaluate the evidence base for nutrition guidelines.
  • Apply knowledge of the physiological and psychological bases of obesity and weight gain and critically evaluate how they can impact weight wellness.
  • Explain the barriers and enablers to post weight loss management and understand their impact on longer term weight management.
  • Reflect on and describe the strengths and limitations of weight loss methods and evaluate these with supporting evidence.

Who is the course for?

This course is for anyone with an interest in health, which would include allied health professionals, those working in health care or the food system, who are actively looking to enhance their CPD.

Who will you learn with?

Alex Johnstone (Lead Educator)

I lead a Research Team as a Nutrition Scientist based at the Rowett Institute at the University of Aberdeen. I am interested in appetite across the life course. I am also a UK Registered Nutritionist.

Marta Lonnie

I am a teaching fellow at the Rowett Institute. My latest scientific interests encompass the sustainability of the human diet, the effect of plant protein on metabolic health and the environment.

Who developed the course?

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University of Aberdeen

University of Aberdeen is the 3rd oldest Scottish and 5th oldest UK University. With 14500 students from 120 countries, it is a world leader in medical research, energy, environment, law and business.

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