Skip to 0 minutes and 9 seconds Hi everyone, I am Tomo, I am an astronomy professor at National Tsing Hua University. Welcome to the course, “Mysteries of the Universe.” The universe is full of mysteries. Did you know that our universe is expanding, and it’s getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger, supported by the mysterious energy called “dark energy.” And did you know this dark energy is everywhere. In front of me, in front of you, everywhere. it’s, in the universe it’s full of dark energy. Also, the so-called “dark matter,” whose gravity is ten times more than normal matter, but we don’t know what is dark matter. Did you know that the universe started with a big bang? We have concrete evidence for this.
Skip to 1 minute and 2 seconds So, the universe is full of very interesting mysteries, in this course, we introduce you all these mysteries of the universe to you, and then show you how astronomers tackle these problems, using large telescopes in the world and then sophisticated computer simulations. So, welcome on board, let’s begin the course.