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Methodologies for Service Design

Explore what service design is and how it can help push your business thinking outside of its comfort zone.

1,986 enrolled on this course


Methodologies for Service Design

1,986 enrolled on this course

  • 4 weeks

  • 2 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Introductory level

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In an era of unprecedented challenges and changes for business, stability is no longer a given. At a time of such sudden changes and sharp shocks, it’s never been more important to be able to think outside the box.

In this course, you’ll learn what service design is, and how its methodologies can support business domains and entrepreneurial challenges, with a focus on cases from Japan and around the world.

You’ll explore ideas that engage with accounting, IT, marketing, and philosophy. Ultimately, you’ll be able to identify the markets you want to target and delve deeply into your enterprise ideas, learning how you can support your team, and grow your business.

The Japanese version of this course is available.

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Skip to 0 minutes and 11 seconds What a drastic change in this world is experiencing now. How shall we confront the unpredictable tomorrow, and conduct our business for the future? In this course, we will learn how to design a service concept you may have in your mind, and how to realize it, by utilizing various academic disciplines. We will have 7 experts from the field of Innovation management, information architecture, management accounting, startup strategy, marketing strategy, intellectual property, and philosophy. Being such a multi-disciplinary field, Service Design can be adapted to a wide variety of fields, including your everyday life. Let’s seek together on the methodologies of how to design service that can contribute to our well-being.


  • Week 1

    What and Why Service Design?

    • Service exchange of people-to-people

      What is Service Design

      Before we learn about service design, let's figure out what a "service" is. Break the stereotypes, think out of the box, and view the world from a new perspective.

    • Seven experts appearing in this course

      Academic Fields of Service Design

      Service design builds upon a wide variety of academic disciplines. We will integrate elements from seven experts from diverse research fields.

    • Rai stones (stone money)

      Why Service Design

      Why do we need to conduct service design? What stands as a centricity in this perspective are human beings. Let's learn from the ancient ages on how human beings can bond relationships amongst each other. Trust is the key!

    • Aristotle Framework, Theoria, Poiesis, Praxis

      Summary of Week 1

      Let's reflect on what we've learned this week, what is service design and why is it needed. We'll also start getting ready for next week.

  • Week 2

    Know: Theoria

    • Theoria in service design

      Welcome to Week 2

      Let's recap what we learned about the activities performed in the action of service, and get started on our topic "theoria".

    • Think about the philosophy of service design

      Let's philosophise!

      What is a "good life" from Aristotle's perspective? Learning philosophy can benefit your own daily lives as well. Let's enjoy the service design philosophy journey together.

    • Hikarimasu

      Case Studies

      Integrating the three elements of relatedness, competence, and autonomy from the Eudaimonia ethics perspective is complex but important. Let's learn from our lecturer's case studies.

    • Sustainably loved service

      Summary of Week 2

      "Theoria" is essential for designing a service for it to be loved for a while. Let's recap what we learned this week and prepare for next week.

  • Week 3

    Make: Poiesis

    • academic terms using in service design

      Welcome to Week 3

      We will review what we learned about "service" last week and brief you on the "poiesis" or making of service design. We'll start by introducing you to the academic terms we will be using this week.

    • Honda super cub

      Composition & Integration

      "Poiesis"; to create service. We will share the terms one by one.

    • money and strategy

      What about the money?

      You may think that it is necessary to have profitability, profit margins, and outlooks when creating services. Thank you for waiting, it's time for money.

    • The road is endless

      Summary of Week 3

      This week, we have introduced various keywords and their perspectives in order to "poiesis" your service. Next week is finally "Praxis", the week of practice. Before that, rethink the service you want to create.

  • Week 4

    Do: Praxis

    • praxis means practice

      Welcome to Week 4

      In this final week, we will learn about "Praxis" that is realized by practicing service. let's learn about strategies and tactics from various fields in order to instill the services you envision in the real world.

    • Communication and collaboration

      Communication & Collaboration

      You cannot fight any battle by yourself. How can we work together to realize the service? Let's talk about project management from the perspective of management accounting, HR strategy from the perspective of startup.

    • Offense and defense

      Offense & Defense

      You need both a strategy to expand your service so that it can be used by a large number of people and a strategy to protect it because the expansion may cause unexpected damage. Learn about offensive and defensive battles.

    • Strategy to realize your service

      Summary of Week 4

      It's finally the end. Were you able to learn about the three perspectives of service design, "Theoria," "Poiesis," and "Praxis"? For those who want to know more about this field, we will also introduce materials for future study.

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  • Available now

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What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Identify what strategies to take on whichever design phase you are at
  • Reflect your current expertise and the resources you have available for a service
  • Explore what your core competence is and elaborate your ideas for a target market
  • Synthesise seven different academic domains and integrating to actually design a service
  • Develop soft skills for a smoother collaboration amongst your team and with your stakeholders related to your service

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for people who want to know what service design is, and how it can help them take their business to the next level. Anyone willing to go beyond their comfort zone is welcomed.

Who will you learn with?

Chihiro Sato

Associate Professor at Keio University Graduate School of Media Design in Japan. Interests in Service Design, Economic Geography, and Spatial Aesthetics.


Who developed the course?

Keio University

Keio University

Keio University is Japan’s first modern institution of higher learning, and since 1858 has established itself as a leader in Japan through its continued commitment to education, research and medicine.

  • Established

  • Location

    Tokyo, Japan
  • World ranking

    Top 200Source: QS World University Rankings 2021

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