Skip to 0 minutes and 8 seconds What is metaverse? How much do we understand this buzzword? Some said that the metaverse has mixed the boundary between reality and virtual worlds and creates various business opportunities How does metaverse influence our lives and what are the applications? We will understand and explore the opportunities from this class Hi everyone!
Skip to 0 minutes and 30 seconds I am JihHsuan Tammy Lin (林日璇) I am a distinguished professor in College of Communication at National ChengChi University I am also an associate editor of the top communication journal Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication I received the first HTC vive globally in 2016 I study human’s well-being through metaverse and communication technology such as virtual reality and digital games I have received the Excellent research award and Da-You Wu research award from Taiwan National Science and Technology Counsel I also received the competitive global award from Meta to study the safety and boundary in virtual reality I gave talks in Economist Impact to discuss virtual governance in metaverse In this class, we will discuss the innovation brought by virtual reality and its unique traits We will also discuss how VR is applied to medical industry in marketing, and in innovating areas So, in this class, I will focus on the following First, we will understand how VR can change how human interact with each other and influence our work and society Second, we will learn the unique traits of VR from the academic literature and industry innovations Third, we can design content and applications in metaverse using VR If you are a senior high school students or college students this will be the course you cannot miss If you have a job now, this is the most valuable course that you can directly apply what we learn to your industry! You can easily employ VR traits to design effective metaverse content and innovations I am Jih-Hsuan Tammy Lin (林日璇) Come join us in the metaverse to see the future!