• The Open University
  • The Open University Business School

Finance Fundamentals: Managing the Household Balance Sheet

Discover how to effectively manage household assets and liabilities in order to improve your household financial health.

53,893 enrolled on this course

A coin sits on top of a line graph on a piece of paper – a metaphor for managing finances.

Finance Fundamentals: Managing the Household Balance Sheet

53,893 enrolled on this course

  • 4 weeks

  • 3 hours per week

  • Accreditation available

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Open level

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Prepare for the future through the effective management of household finances

Each household is its own miniature financial world, with a balance sheet comprised of assets (property, investments, pensions) and liabilities (household debts). Prudent management is essential to ensure these finances deliver the best returns.

On this course, you will learn to effectively manage your household wealth. You’ll learn about different types of borrowing and the associated debts, different types of mortgage, and different ways to invest your money.

By gaining a stronger grasp of household finance, you can best prepare for the future, and ultimately for a comfortable retirement.


  • Week 1

    Debt and borrowing

    • The image is an image of a stack of coins .

      Debt, interest and inflation

      The UK’s mountain of personal debt. Are there ‘good’ and ‘bad’ debts? How the Bank of England sets interest rates. Interest calculations – simple and compound. How does inflation affect the cost of borrowing?

    • The image shows a credit card with a rosette attached. On the rosette is a triple-A credit rating (Aaa).

      Credit scoring and the interest rates you pay

      More on interest – the choices for borrowers. Take the credit scoring test. Find what opens and closes the door to getting a loan. Explore the links between credit quality and interest rates on debt.

    • Lenders and making good borrowing decisions

      Meet the lenders and their debt products. Use the financial planning model to guide your borrowing decisions for those ‘big ticket’ purchases. What are the best tips for making sure that the pitfalls of borrowing are side-stepped?

  • Week 2

    Savings and investments

    • The image displays a card for a chip-and-pin internet savings security device for a savings account.


      Why do people save? Link savings to events in the life course. Understand savings rates and savings products. The choice between fixed and variable rate savings. See how the internet has changed the savings market.

    • The image is a photograph of financial markets data.

      Investing in shares

      How do savings and investments differ? The risk–return relationship. Understanding share investments and the returns they offer. Why are some shares riskier investments than others?

    • Investing in bonds and funds

      Look at bonds – the risks and the returns. Explore investment funds – the most popular way to invest in shares and bonds. Which is the best long-term performer? See how the taxman takes a cut from your investment earnings.

  • Week 3

    Housing and the household balance sheet

    • The image is a photograph of a couple unpacking boxes as they move into their new home.

      Buying property

      Property as a home and as an investment. Buying a property – mortgage products. What are the total costs of buying? How do you repay your mortgage? Freehold and leasehold properties – what’s the difference?

    • The image is a photograph of a row of houses. One has a ‘For Sale’ sign outside.

      Selling property, the risks of home ownership and ‘buy-to-let’

      How do you sell your property? What are the risks of home ownership? Apply the financial planning model to property purchase. When should you take action to remortgage? Look at ‘buy-to-let’ – property as an investment.

    • The household balance sheet

      Build the household balance sheet, calculate net worth, the current asset ratio and gearing – key measures of financial health. Then link the balance sheet to the household budget.

  • Week 4


    • State and occupational pensions

      Learn about the pensions crisis in the UK – state pensions (but at what age?), occupational pensions and now ‘workplace’ pensions. Calculate your pension income.

    • The image shows a birthday cake with two candles shaped as the number 68 (implying 68th birthday). Two candles shaped as 65 (implying 65th birthday) lie (unused) by the side of the cake.

      Personal pensions and planning your pension

      Personal pensions and the pensions revolution unveiled by the government in 2014. The move from final to average salary pensions. How does spending in retirement change? Apply the financial planning model to pensions.

    • The image shows the cake with the candles depicting the number 68 and the leaky bucket – both images used in Week 7.

      Pension planning – can you afford to retire?

      Completing the plan for your pension. Deciding, acting and reviewing your plan. How well are you preparing for retirement? Are you sure you can afford to retire with your current pension plan?

Who is this accredited by?


This course is accredited by EOCCS, the first international quality benchmark for online courses in business and management education.

When would you like to start?

Start straight away and join a global classroom of learners. If the course hasn’t started yet you’ll see the future date listed below.

  • Available now

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On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Identify and understand the different forms of borrowing and the cost of debt
  • Explore the different ways to invest and the returns provided by different investments
  • Identify and understand how to buy and sell property
  • Explore the ways to plan for a pension income
  • Identify and understand how to compile a household balance sheet and to measure the risks associated with it

Who is the course for?

This household finance course would be useful to anyone looking to more effectively manage their own household wealth and debts, with a view to preparing for the future. If you want to better understand the buying and selling of property, personal investment vehicles, and different forms of borrowing then you could benefit.

This course might also be of interest to current or aspiring business and management, finance, accounting, or actuarial science students, or financial advisors.

For further information about registration, the final assessment course, your eligibility and the BA in Business Management, visit The Open University’s website.

Who will you learn with?

Martin Upton

I am Director of the True Potential Centre for the Public Understanding of Finance (PUFin) at the OU Business School. Previously I was Treasurer of Nationwide Building Society.

Who developed the course?

The Open University

The Open University

As the UK’s largest university, The Open University (OU) supports thousands of students to achieve their goals and ambitions via supported distance learning, helping to fit learning around professional and personal life commitments.

  • Established

  • Location

    Milton Keynes, UK
  • World ranking

    Top 510Source: Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2020
The Open University Business School

The Open University Business School

A pioneer in flexible learning for over 30 years, The Open University Business School delivers transformational, high quality business and management education which is quality assured.

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