Skip to 0 minutes and 8 seconds Hi, my name is Cosette Crisan. Hi, I’m Eirini Geraniou, and we are both mathematics educators at the UCL Institute of Education in London. We have both worked on teacher training programmes for a number of years, and we are undertaking high quality research in mathematics education which continuously informs our own practice. I am currently leading the master’s in mathematics education programme and contribute to the training of secondary school mathematics teachers. And I’m currently leading one of the training of secondary school mathematics teachers programmes and contribute to the master’s in mathematics education programme at UCL. We are the designers of this online short course which is aimed of the development of practising experienced mathematics teachers as mentors.
Skip to 0 minutes and 54 seconds This course is suitable for you if you are a mathematics teacher of 11 to 18-year-old students with at least three years of teaching experience. Teachers with such a background draw on their wealth of knowledge about what works and is effective in teaching and learning, and reflect upon how best to mentor others. Such wisdom of practice is an invaluable source and body of knowledge indeed. This course will further enrich your wisdom of practice with evidence from mathematics education research about various aspects related to the teaching and learning of specific mathematics topics at school level.
Skip to 1 minute and 30 seconds We hope that by undertaking this course, you will experience the benefits of research-informed teaching practice, which in turn, will also support you in mentoring less experienced colleagues.