• Government Campus UK

Introduction to User Research

Gain essential skills in user research and learn about user-centred service design in government.

Colleagues gather round a table to look over research on a tablet

Introduction to User Research

  • 3 weeks

  • 3 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Introductory level

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Learn the basics of user research with Government Digital Service!

Embark on a journey to transform how you understand user research and how it works in government. This short course equips you with the essential skills and insights needed to excel in user research, paving the way for meaningful, ethical interactions and the creation of services that work for everyone.

On this three week course, you’ll explore the foundational aspects of user research and its importance within government

Understand the essentials of user research

You will learn all about users, user research, and user needs, and explore how user researchers work within multidisciplinary teams to create impactful, user-centred products and services.

Further your understanding of user research in government

In week two, you will learn about agile methods and their history in government. You will explore how user research works across the delivery life cycle, familiarise yourself with the government Service Standard and Design Principles, and learn about the importance of accessibility and inclusion in user-centred design.

Gain confidence in ethical research practices and data analysis

In week three, you’ll learn how to plan and conduct ethical research and the basics of data analysis. As you familiarise yourself with various research tools and methods, you’ll learn to generate actionable insights that drive development.

By completing this course, you’ll gain a robust foundation in user research, the first step towards making a meaningful impact on products and services in government.


  • Week 1

    User Research

    • Several people looking at documents on a desk.

      Introduction to the course

      Welcome to the course! Find out what you will learn over the next 3 weeks.

    • Three people looking at post-it notes on a wall and discussing them

      Users and user research

      Learn the basics about users and user research.

    • A sticker saying "users first".

      User needs

      Learn about user needs and user stories.

    • Two people looking at a number of post-it notes on a wall. A larger note has visible text that says 'What you can remember?'

      Summary of the week

      A summary of what we learned in Week 1 and a review test.

  • Week 2

    User Research in Government

    • People looking at a documents on a desk.

      Introduction to Week 2

      Find out what we will be covering in Week 2.

    • A number of post-it notes laid out on a table with people writing on them.

      Agile methods and user research

      Learn about user research in government, what agile methods are. and how agile shaped the development of GOV.UK.

    • Two people looking at a number of post-it notes on a wall.

      User-centred design

      Learn about the UK government's service standard, design principles, and the importance of inclusive research.

    • Three people looking at post-it notes on a wall and discussing them

      When to do research?

      Learn about when and how we decide to do user research and what a roadmap is in user research.

    • Two people looking at a number of post-it notes on a wall. A larger note has visible text that says 'What you can remember?'

      Summary of the week

      A summary of what we learned in Week 2 and a review test.

  • Week 3

    User Research in Practice

    • People looking at a documents on a desk.

      Introduction to Week 3

      Find out what we will be covering in Week 3.

    • Three people looking at post-it notes on a wall and discussing them

      Consent, power dynamics and ethics

      Learn about informed consent, power dynamics, and ethical practices in research.

    • A number of post-it notes laid out on a table with people writing on them.

      Planning and designing research

      Learn about how to scope and plan research and choose research methods.

    • People looking at a documents on a desk.

      Running research

      Learn about good interview practice by watching a number of scenarios.

    • Two people looking at a number of post-it notes on a wall.

      Data analysis

      Learn about how to analyse different types of data.

    • Three people looking at post-it notes on a wall and discussing them

      Communication and research impact

      Learn about how to communicate your findings.

    • Two people looking at a number of post-it notes on a wall. A larger note has visible text that says 'What you can remember?'

      Summary of the week

      A summary of what we learned in Week 3 and a review test.

When would you like to start?

Start straight away and join a global classroom of learners. If the course hasn’t started yet you’ll see the future date listed below.

  • Available now

Learning on this course

On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • demonstrate a basic understanding of the key concepts of user research
  • explain how user research differs from other forms of research and how it is used in government
  • demonstrate a basic understanding of agile methods and how user research works across the phases of the delivery life cycle
  • explain the importance of accessibility, inclusivity, and ethical practices, as well as ways these may be implemented in user research
  • explain the difference between qualitative and quantitative research methods and the basics of data analysis

Who is the course for?

This course is for beginners interested in user research, product or service team members looking to collaborate more effectively with researchers, and private-sector researchers wanting to explore user research within a government context.

Who will you learn with?

Thomas Munley

Senior Learning Designer in the Government Digital Service.

Who developed the course?

Government Campus UK

Government Campus UK

Government Campus UK has been established to share selected courses from across the UK Civil Service.

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  • Discuss your learning in comments
  • Tests to boost your learning
  • Printed and digital certificate when you’re eligible

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  • Access expires 25 Mar 2025

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  • Learn through a mix of bite-sized videos, long- and short-form articles, audio, and practical activities
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  • Join the conversation by reading, @ing, liking, bookmarking, and replying to comments from others

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  • Complete 90% of course steps and all of the assessments to earn your certificate

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