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How to Measure, Reduce, and Offset your Company’s Carbon Footprint

Help tackle climate change with this guide to carbon footprint measurement, offsetting, and reduction strategies for your company.

4,791 enrolled on this course

A wind farm

How to Measure, Reduce, and Offset your Company’s Carbon Footprint

4,791 enrolled on this course

  • 6 weeks

  • 3 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Introductory level

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Explore the different carbon footprint modelling tools

No matter how many green practices you have in place, companies still produce at least some carbon in their operations.

On this six-week course, you’ll be guided through the terminology, measurement techniques, and reduction strategies for your company’s carbon footprint.

You’ll start by examining different carbon footprint modelling tools before a step-by-step guide will help you model your own Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 carbon footprint.

Learn how to reduce and offset your carbon footprint

You’ll explore common strategies for reducing your carbon footprint before examining how and where your company can offset its carbon footprint.

This course will help you navigate the confusing carbon offset landscape to help you find the scheme that works best for you and your business.

With strategies in place, you’ll learn how to track your reductions and create dashboards to report on your progress, improving your brand reputation and showing your customers you’re committed to your green initiatives.

Discover other pledges and environmental sustainability initiatives with the experts at MSQ

Guided by the Chief Sustainability Officer at MSQ, you’ll finish the course with the knowledge and confidence to implement carbon reduction and offsetting strategies and help influence others to do the same.

Ecologi Logo If you upgrade on this course, we will offset 1 tonne of carbon, as well as plant 5 trees supported by Ecologi. These trees will be sequestering carbon well into the 2050s – helping you leave a carbon offsetting legacy long after you’ve finished with us! See our progress so far.


  • Week 1

    Understanding the key terminology around climate change

    • Desk with notepad, laptop, phone, glasses, pencil and plant.


      An introduction to the course and your lead educator.

    • Why take action?

      Some key statistics on climate change, highlighting why we need to take action, as well as an overview of some of the commercial benefits of modelling, offsetting and reducing your company's carbon footprint.

    • Sunset over a landscape of pylons and industrial towers with plumes of smoke.

      Understanding greenhouse gases (GHGs) and key terminology

      An overview of the main GHGs and some of the key terms that you'll need to understand.

    • What are "net" emissions?

      Understanding the different terms used to describe your "net" carbon emissions.

    • End of week quiz

      A simple quiz to test your knowledge on the key terms.

  • Week 2

    Modelling your scope 1 and scope 2 emissions

    • An introduction to modelling

      An overview of different modelling tools on the market and why we are using the spreadsheet-based model for this course.

    • Modelling your emissions - getting started

      Understanding how to pick your "base" year, introducing the modelling tool and entering the general settings.

    • Modelling your scope 1 emissions

      This section will take you through how to model your Scope 1 emissions.

    • Modelling your scope 2 emissions

      This section will take you through how to model your scope 2 emissions.

    • End of week quiz

      A simple quiz to test some of the concepts learnt this week.

  • Week 3

    Modelling your scope 3 emissions

    • Modelling your scope 3 emissions

      This section will take you through how to model your scope 3 emissions.

    • Viewing your base carbon footprint

      How to use the spreadsheet to see your scope 1, 2 and 3 footprint for the year.

    • End of week quiz

      Simple quiz on what you have learnt about Scope 3 modelling.

  • Week 4

    Offsetting and reducing your emissions

    • An introduction to carbon offsetting

      An overview of carbon offsetting and why it's important in the race to a Net Zero position.

    • Where to offset

      Some suggestions on where to get started with your official offsetting.

    • Setting a reduction target

      How to set realistic emission reduction targets and the difference between absolute and intensity based targets.

    • Simple reduction strategies

      This section discusses various ways to reduce your Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.

    • End of week quiz

      A simple quiz to test your knowledge on this week's concepts.

  • Week 5

    Monitoring and reporting on your offsetting and reductions

    • Tracking your current footprint

      This section will guide you through modelling your carbon footprint beyond your base year, including how to move away from the "spend-based" approach for measuring your scope 3 emissions from suppliers.

    • Using the carbon footprint tracker

      Introducing the simple carbon footprint tracker tool that you can use to monitor your carbon footprint over time.

    • Modelling with multiple offices and multiple countries (advanced)

      For companies with multiple offices (possibly even in different countries) we'll look at how you can use the tools from this course to track your emissions in these more complex scenarios.

    • Creating a company dashboard

      We'll look at some simple techniques for creating dashboards that you can use to present your emissions, reduction progress and offsetting activities.

    • Creating dashboards for a customer

      We'll look at some simple techniques for creating dashboards that you can use to present customer specific emissions, reduction progress and offsetting activities.

    • End of week quiz

      A simple quiz to test your knowledge of some of the key concepts from this week.

  • Week 6

    Going beyond and influencing – other initiatives

    • Reduction pledges

      Some formal targets and key pledges that your company could consider making.

    • Other pledges and commitments

      Some other formal pledges and 3rd party environmental rating companies that you could consider to go further on your journey.

    • Staff schemes

      A number of initiatives that you could consider rolling out to help your staff reduce and offset their personal carbon footprint.

    • Steps

      Wrap-up and next steps

      Some final thoughts on the best next steps for you to take having completed the course.

When would you like to start?

Start straight away and join a global classroom of learners. If the course hasn’t started yet you’ll see the future date listed below.

  • Available now

Learning on this course

On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Describe key terminology used when discussing carbon footprints.
  • Compare different options for official carbon offsetting.
  • Explore how to model your Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 carbon footprint.
  • Engage with how to set a carbon reduction strategy.
  • Assess how to track and report on progress.
  • Explore further initiatives to help influence others.

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for anyone interested in how companies can help to tackle climate change.

It will be particularly useful to SMEs who are looking to reduce their carbon footprint and to introduce a carbon offsetting scheme to their company.

Who will you learn with?

James Cannings

James is the Chief Sustainability Officer of MSQ, a global digital marketing group, and the Co-Chair of the BIMA Sustainability Council.

Who developed the course?

MSQ Logo


In 2020 MSQ became one of the first international marketing groups to become carbon negative, and recently pledged to halve their carbon footprint by 2024, with Science Based Targets set to take them even further by 2030. A key goal of their sustainability initiative is to support as many businesses as possible in how to achieve similar targets. MSQ is a leading tech and data-led marketing group, helping brands earn emotional capital to attract, convert, retain and grow valuable customers.

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BIMA is the voice of digital and tech. We represent a community of businesses, charities and academia across the UK. We drive innovation through knowledge sharing, showcasing best practice and developing talent. And we give our members the chance to have their voices heard and to make a difference.

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