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How to Facilitate a Learner Centred Online Learning Environment

Develop the skills to engage and challenge students whilst delivering quality teaching on online learning platforms.

A teacher conducting a class from her home, recording it through her smartphone. There are whiteboards and cork boards behind her which she is pointing to
  • Duration

    5 weeks
  • Weekly study

    3 hours
  • 100% online

    How it works
  • Included in an ExpertTrack

    Course 2 of 2
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Create a learner-centred approach to hybrid and online learning environments

Online learning environments allow teachers to develop new learning strategies to engage students, whether they learn using hybrid learning models or fully online.

On this five-week course, you’ll discover various technologies used in online environments and learn how to adapt your teaching practices to take advantage of new technology, putting the learner at the centre of every process.

Explore theories and methods of online teaching and facilitation

Online facilitators must combine in-person teaching skills with technological know-how to make online learning engaging and accessible for all learners.

You’ll examine practical eLearning perspectives to improve your understanding of online learning. Using this knowledge, you’ll be able to incorporate online teaching approaches at key points of your teaching frameworks.

Discover how your learning management system can promote learner centred education

Having explored various learning management systems, you’ll investigate how new technologies can be used in conjunction to create new educational activities for students.

You’ll be able contribute to developing a community of practice online, sharing key findings and best practice to improve teaching processes both individually and collectively.

Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of online learning environments

You’ll assess the impact of asynchronous and synchronous online discussion and interaction, as well as discussing overall benefits to hybrid and online learning.

By the end of this course, you’ll understand how to put the learner at the centre of online teaching development. You’ll be able to demonstrate how online community and collaboration, as well as openness to new ideas and technologies can result in engaging and exciting learning environments.


  • Week 1

    Introduction and the online learner

    • Hands working on laptop

      Welcome to Week 1 of How to Facilitate a Learner-Centred Online Learning Environment

      Introduction to the course.

    • Hands working on a laptop with cup of coffee and pens sitting beside screen

      The online learner

      What are the characteristics of a successful online learner and how can an online teacher support effective student online learning?

    • Two people working with laptops open and note page on desk

      The online facilitator

      Being an online teacher is different to a face-to-face teacher. What are the key attributes of effective online teachers?

    • Person having a coffee while completing a jigsaw puzzle and talking on phone.

      What is a constructivist online learning environment?

      The challenge for all online facilitators is to create a student-centered online learning environment. Social constructivist learning pedagogy is a powerful pedagogy where students learn through social interaction online.

    • Close up image of a hand holding a glass ball which is reflecting the surrounding trees.

      Reflecting on the online learner's and online teacher's role

      Let's reflect on our learning now that we've reached the end of Week 1.

  • Week 2

    The online facilitator and learning theory

    • Computer screen with an online meeting happening with many faces. Cup of coffee beside


      Introduction to the week.

    • Group of students working together around a laptop

      Learning theories pertaining to the role of a facilitator

      Let's take a look at some of the learning theories connected to facilitating learning online.

    • Many hands make piled on top of each other

      Creating a community of practice

      Learn how to create a community of practice within your online course.

    • Computer screen with an online meeting happening with many faces. Cup of coffee beside

      Defining the role of an online facilitator

      Define what an online facilitator is, examining pedagogical strategies and facilitation skills.

    • Two white masks facing each other with a black background.  One mask is being held in a hand.


      Reflecting on the learning from this week's activities.

  • Week 3

    Taxonomies of learning

    • A word-cloud containing words that are commonly used when discussing or working with educational taxonomies. The larger words are 'learners, knowledge, technology, taxonomy, bloom's, elearning, online, instructors, teachers'

      Taxonomies of learning - An introduction

      Exactly what is a taxonomy, and how does this apply to learning design?

    • Bloom's Taxonomy 1. Remembering (Recognising, Recalling) 2. Understanding (Interpreting, comparing). 3. Applying  ( Implementing) 4. Analysing (Organising) 5.Evaluating  ( Critiquing) 6. Create (Produce)

      Bloom's taxonomy

      In this activity we will be exploring what Bloom's Taxonomy is about and how it influences the creation of learning material.

    • SAMR model. substitution, augmentation (Enhancement), modification, redefinition (Transformation)


      The SAMR model identifies four steps of technology integration in a classroom. We will be exploring the four steps.

    • A Venn diagram depicting TPACK  being at the intersection of Technical Knowledge, Pedagogical Knowledge and Content Knowledge.


      Technological Pedagogy Content Knowledge (TPACK) describes a set of knowledge teachers need to successfully integrate technology in their classroom. We will explore the three aspects of TPACK.

    • Cartoon of a phone with a question mark and Q in a speech bubble depicting a quiz.

      Checking understanding

      Take the short quiz to check your understanding of the concepts presented in Taxonomies of learning.

    • A piece of art showing decorated sneakers overlaying a page from a dictionary.

      Create a learning artefact

      In this activity you'll learn to apply online instructional strategies and techniques appropriate to the delivery of an online course.

    • Two white masks looking at each other. Black background.


      At the end of Week 3, this is a good time to reflect on what you have learned so far, and the next learning steps.

  • Week 4

    Asynchronous and synchronous online teaching.

    • A graphic that depicts asynchronous and synchronous learning.  Asynchronous shows emails, photos and a clock with an arrow moving forwards which synchronous shows people on their laptops and talking through their headsets.


      Introduction to the activities and learning outcomes of the week.

    • A graphic that shows two arrows pointing towards each other.  one arrow says Synchronous while the other says asynchronous.  There is VS in between the two arrows.

      Asynchronous vs. synchronous

      Define both and use a Venn diagram to compare the two.

    • Asynchronous an synchronous graphic.  The Asynchronous graphic shows emails, photos and a clock with an arrow pointing in a clockwise direction while the synchronous graphic shows people working on their computers and talking with headsets on.

      A blended approach

      Introducing the term bichronous and the importance of both synchronous and asynchronous communication in an online environment.

    • Synchronous teaching graphic which shows people working on their computers and talking to each other on their devices.

      Synchronous communication and tools

      In this activity we will discuss how to plan, facilitate and wrap up online sessions. We will also examine some tools that can be used.

    • Asynchronous communication graphic which shows visuals depicting emails, photos and a clock with an arrow pointing in a clockwise direction.

      Asynchronous communication and tools

      In this section we will discuss how to facilitate asynchronous learning and we will examine tools that can be used.

    • The end of Week 4


      The end of Week 4, looking back and ahead.

  • Week 5

    Assessment of online learning

    • Person touch a white spiral notebook with a laptop computer in the background

      Introduction to Week 5 on assessment of online learning

      A short video introduction to Week 5, on the topic of assessment of online learning.

    • people walking along a footpath that has a measuring tape painted on it

      Online student assessment

      This activity covers defining assessment, Bloom's taxonomy, and formative/summative online assessment introduction.

    • Photo of a small child standing in front of a large stone staircase

      Formative assessment in online learning

      What role does formative assessment have in online learning and how does a facilitator embed a formative assessment?

    • A photo of a wall with many coloured Post-it notes stuck on it.

      Summative assessment in online Learning

      What is the role of summative assessment in online learning and how does a facilitator embed formative assessment?

    • A close up photo of a hand holding a white chess piece knowing over a black chess piece.

      Benefits and challenges of online assessment

      A discussion of the benefits and challenges of online assessment.

    • People's shadows celebrating on top of a cliff at sunset.

      Reflection on the role of assessment in online learning

      Reflect on the role and purpose of online assessment in a learner centered learning environment.

    • Photo of a person looking out of a window with their image being reflected back


      The conclusion of this five-week course on how to facilitate a learner-centred online learning environment. A chance to reflect on your learning and self-evaluate your knowledge and skills.

    • Photo of a person working on a computer while also using their phone

      Course Assessment

      A test of your knowledge of the content of this course on how to facilitate a learner-centred online learning environment.

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Learning on this course

On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Explore theories and practical perspectives of online teaching and learning and the roles of the facilitator and online student.
  • Evaluate the key technologies used in online environments and the impact of these technologies on learning and teaching activities.
  • Identify the characteristics and benefits of developing a community of practice online.
  • Evaluate online instructional pedagogies and techniques appropriate to the delivery of an effective online course. 
  • Apply online instructional strategies and techniques appropriate to the delivery of a student centred online course. 
  • Apply the theoretical and practical perspectives of online student assessment.

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for teachers who wish to develop their online teaching and learning skills. It is suitable for educators from early years up to higher education and any level of teaching experience.

Who will you learn with?

Dr. Malcolm Roberts

I am a lecturer at Wintec Pūkenga located in Hamilton, New Zealand. I manage the Grad Dip of IT in Education programme which provides professional development for teachers in the integration of ICT.

Jacira de Hoog

I have been a classroom teacher for over 18 years, mainly digital with 1:1 devices. I am a tutor for te Pukenga: integrating IT in Education. I am also a mentor in mathematics with IT integration.

Who developed the course?



The Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec) is a leading tertiary education provider and one of New Zealand’s largest Institutes of Technology. Established in 1924, Wintec delivers technical, vocational, and professional education across a broad range of qualifications, domestically and internationally.

About this ExpertTrack

Expand your knowledge of online teaching and learning perspectives and learn to create engaging, exciting eLearning content.

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  • Learn through a mix of bite-sized videos, long- and short-form articles, audio, and practical activities
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