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Global Prosperity Beyond GDP

How can we think beyond GDP and build a prosperous economy that works better for people and the planet? Find out with this course.

12,817 enrolled on this course

Global Prosperity Beyond GDP

12,817 enrolled on this course

  • 4 weeks

  • 2 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Open level

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Discover how we can build a better world by focusing on prosperity, not wealth.

Economic growth is no longer the best indicator of broader success. By 2050, the global population will reach 10 billion and we may face environmental crisis. If we are to thrive, and not just survive, into the next century, we will need new tools and new ways of thinking to tackle the challenges of today and ensure a successful and prosperous future for everyone.

On this course you will look at other approaches to defining success for society, examining how we must aim for a broader notion of prosperity at both a personal and planetary level.

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  • Week 1

    How GDP came to dominate and what this means today

    • This image is a cartoon showing people looking miserable, surrounded by consumer goods, watching the TV where an economist says "What we need at this stage is to increase our consumption"


      Welcome to the Institute for Global Prosperity's MOOC

    • An image of a seagull on a sewage pipe

      Where did GDP come from and where is it taking us?

      This activity looks at the origins of GDP as a measurement, and what this tells us about our dilemma today

    • An image of hands raised to signify voting

      The Democratic Deficit - Do we have the wrong model for success?

      Is our current model for success taking us in the wrong direction?

    • UCL's main building

      Guardians of prosperity?

      For a long time, the state has seen their primary responsibility as securing economic growth to deliver good lives. If this is misplaced, can the state become the guardian of prosperity?

  • Week 2

    From measuring growth to measuring prosperity

    • Measuring prosperity, and developing a new approach

      In the past few years, many influential academics have made the point that economic growth exclusively no longer produces societal progress. This activity looks at other approaches.

    • A busy street in Tripoli, Lebanon

      Our sites of exemplification

      This activity shows how the Institute for Global Prosperity is working to put a new approach to prosperity to test in these sites of exemplification

    • The RELIEF Centre

      In this activity, we explore how new models of prosperity can be developed by gaining a deep understanding of the elements of prosperity for a community, and what the obstacles are to it being delivered

  • Week 3

    Frameworks of change

    • What is a framework?

      This activity introduces the concept of a framework of change, and briefly introduces some of the main frameworks that can help us think about the change society is making, and is yet to make

    • The Sustainable Development Goals

      The Sustainable Development Goals are a bold vision of how the whole of humanity can flourish sustainably. They are a call to break with our destructive economic habits.

    • The 2050 Challenge

      By 2050, the world population will spike to just under 10 billion, and the battle against disastrous levels of climate change will be won or lost

    • The Doughnut

      The Doughnut

      The Doughnut is a development concept invented by Kate Raworth. She describes it as "the safe and just space for humanity"

  • Week 4

    Building the New Economy

    • Making or breaking the New Economy - The role of business

      Here, we explore how businesses are both the key to building a better economy, but also have the potential to delay the transition

    • Business and Climate Change

      How are businesses reacting to the Climate Change challenge? What happens when climate action is against business interests?

    • Consumption habits

      Consumerism by no means guarantees wellbeing, and is bad for the planet, but we feel trapped by it. Can we break free, and how should we consume?

    • How can you make a difference?

      In the final activity of this course, we asked some of our contributors what message they want you to take away from this

When would you like to start?

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  • Available now

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On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Justify the need for a re-examination of the way we look at economics, and the role it plays in guiding society
  • Gain an understanding of the origin of GDP and the context from which it emerged
  • Gain an understanding of new approaches to measurement of success
  • Describe what a framework of change is, and why they exist
  • Recognise the potential for building a new economy that works better for people and the planet

Who is the course for?

The course is for anyone concerned with global issues and the unprecedented challenges of the 21st Century. It aims to inspire students, entrepreneurs, and citizens with a positive picture of what we are capable of with just a little bit of re-direction. No prior knowledge of the subject is needed.

Who will you learn with?

Henrietta  L. Moore

Hello! I'm Professor Henrietta Moore, Director of the Institute for Global Prosperity. My recent work has focussed on the notion of global sustainable and prosperous futures.

Who developed the course?

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UCL (University College London)

UCL was founded in 1826. It was the first English university established after Oxford and Cambridge, and the first to open up university education to those previously excluded from it.

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