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Global Education for Teachers

Discover key issues in global citizenship education and learn how to prepare your students for the global challenges of tomorrow.

9,714 enrolled on this course

a teacher and a student looking at a globe

Global Education for Teachers

9,714 enrolled on this course

  • 3 weeks

  • 3 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Open level

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Incorporate global learning and global citizenship education into your teaching

Teachers today must prepare their students for a global future.

Young people will need to learn how to positively engage with people from all over the world and build the skills and knowledge to become a global citizen.

On this course, you’ll increase your confidence and ability to introduce global issues into your teaching. You’ll get CPD training in how to address global issues in your teaching and support global citizenship in your school.

This course is developed in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goal 4.7, which requires countries to develop global citizenship for all learners by 2030.

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Skip to 0 minutes and 19 seconds Hi. My name is Nicole Blum. I’m a Researcher and Lecturer in the Development Education Research Centre, University College London, Institute of Education. The work of our Centre focuses on Global Learning, Global Education, and related areas, such as, Education for Global Citizenship and Education for Sustainable Development. We run an online Master’s Programme on Global Learning, and we also support a number of PhD researchers who are conducting research all over the world. We often also support teachers who are looking to develop their professional practise related to Global Education, Global Learning, and Global Citizenship. We know from our experience with teachers that they’re really keen to know how best to prepare their pupils for what are sometimes uncertain global futures.

Skip to 1 minute and 5 seconds They want their pupils to be able to positively engage with the world around them and to critically understand it. We also know that teachers often need support to know how to do this. Hi. I’m Fran Hunt. I also work as a researcher and tutor in the Development Education Research Centre. We’ve developed this MOOC to help teachers provide learning and engagement with global issues for pupils. It aims to support teachers to incorporate large and challenging topics within their teaching, such as climate change, children’s rights, and global interdependence. It provides insight into how to teach these topics including pedagogical approaches that support critical thinking, pupil voice, and participation.

Skip to 1 minute and 51 seconds The MOOC incorporates practical activities to engage teachers and guides them towards a range of resources and further support. The MOOC provides an introduction to key issues and debates in Global Education, Global Citizenship Education, and related areas. It’s aimed at teaching professionals around the world who would like to include Global Education in their teaching practise. Together we’ve developed the Global Education for Teachers MOOC as a three-week, short course that aims to provide online, accessible professional development for in-service and pre-service teachers around the world. Participants will learn together in a supportive, collaborative, and participatory space. The aim is for participants to gain confidence and the knowledge and skills to introduce global issues into their teaching practise.

Skip to 2 minutes and 42 seconds We hope that you’ll join us for the course and look forward to seeing you there.

What topics will you cover?

The aim of this course is to provide an online CPD resource which is accessible to teachers across the world. It provides an introductory overview to global education and related areas such as global learning and global citizenship education. Subjects covered on the course include:

  • An introduction to key concepts and ideas related to global education and related terms;
  • Exploration of what global education means for teachers and teaching;
  • Identifying key elements within a global education approach;
  • Exploring approaches to teaching and pedagogy;
  • Providing practical ideas and support for teachers who want to introduce global education into their practice (including lesson planning, guides, resources and further readings);
  • Providing links to ongoing resources and networks to take this further.

When would you like to start?

Start straight away and join a global classroom of learners. If the course hasn’t started yet you’ll see the future date listed below.

  • Available now

Learning on this course

On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Explore the concept of global education and related terms such as global learning and global citizenship education.
  • Engage with key issues and debates in global education research and policy.
  • Investigate the key elements of, and approaches to, global education in research and practice;
  • Explore the opportunities and challenges global education can present for educational practitioners.
  • Collaborate with peers around the world to develop an awareness of diverse perspectives on, and practices of, global education;.
  • Assess the range of resources which are available to support educators to incorporate global education in their practice, including guides, learning activities and curriculum planning tools.
  • Develop greater confidence, knowledge and skills to be able to incorporate global education into their teaching.
  • Reflect on their current practice and identify how they might apply the learning from the course to their practice in the future.

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for teachers around the world who want to encourage global citizenship amongst their students and work towards the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 4.7.

This includes teachers in international schools and International Baccalaureate schools, as well as teachers in government schools with an interest in global learning and global citizenship education.

Who will you learn with?

Nicole Blum

Dr Nicole Blum is a Senior Lecturer at UCL Institute of Education (London, UK). Her key areas of teaching and research interest are global learning & education for sustainable development.

Fran Hunt

Dr Fran Hunt is Director of the Development Education Research Centre (DERC) and Associate Professor in IOE, UCL. She runs the Global Citizenship Education module on the MA Global Learning (IOE).

Who developed the course?

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UCL (University College London)

UCL was founded in 1826. It was the first English university established after Oxford and Cambridge, and the first to open up university education to those previously excluded from it.

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  • Printed and digital certificate when you’re eligible

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  • Access expires 28 Mar 2025

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  • Courses are split into weeks, activities, and steps to help you keep track of your learning
  • Learn through a mix of bite-sized videos, long- and short-form articles, audio, and practical activities
  • Stay motivated by using the Progress page to keep track of your step completion and assessment scores

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  • Experience the power of social learning, and get inspired by an international network of learners
  • Share ideas with your peers and course educators on every step of the course
  • Join the conversation by reading, @ing, liking, bookmarking, and replying to comments from others

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  • Whenever you’re ready, mark each step as complete, you’re in control
  • Complete 90% of course steps and all of the assessments to earn your certificate

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