• University of Edinburgh

Football: More than a Game

Explore the role of football in the world today - including finances, clubs, nations and rivalries.

34,131 enrolled on this course

Children playing football

Football: More than a Game

34,131 enrolled on this course

  • 6 weeks

  • 3 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Open level

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Explore the world of football (soccer), the money, the rivalries, the trends, the past, the present, the men’s game, the women’s game and the real issues. Whether you love it, hate it or try to ignore it – join us as we go behind the scenes to examine why football is more than just a game.

From street soccer to multi-million dollar transfers, from the men’s game to the women’s, from the global to the local, from the beaches of Brazil to the fight against poverty this online course looks beyond the pitch, to explore football’s role in society and possibly a community near you.

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Skip to 0 minutes and 3 seconds Football is more than a game. It’s a passion. It’s a universal language and it’s deep rooted in communities.

Skip to 0 minutes and 12 seconds It involves people, players, and enormous amounts of money travelling around the world. We’re standing here inside the National Football Museum of Scotland at Hampden park in the city of Glasgow. Not far from here in 1872, the world’s first international official football match took place between Scotland and England. Other countries, such as China, also have an important part to play and say in the history of world football.

Skip to 0 minutes and 47 seconds Uruguay in 1930 won the very first FIFA World Cup. Wherever you have come from, we will introduce you to key aspects of the global game of football. Where did this come from and where it is going. We have brought together a team of experts from the University, from football, from different stakeholders, who will help to give you a behind the scenes look at the greatest game in the world today. My name is Professor Grant Jarvie. I’m here to warmly welcome you to this course. I’m really excited about working with you as we explore the wonderful and complicated game of football.


  • Week 1

    Football: History, myths and power

    • Football is recognised all over the world.


      A warm welcome from the Football course team. Find out more about us and how FutureLearn works in the links below. Then dive right in with the article and discussion on what makes football more than just a game.

    • Opening ceremony of the 2010 South African World Cup.

      From folk game to people's passion

      This activity will take you from football's origins to the Olympics and the World Cup.

    • A game recognised all over the world?

      Overview, key terms, readings and next steps

      This final activity provides an overview of what we have covered, some key terms and what we are moving on to next week. You will also find some great football readings.

  • Week 2

    Global Football: Reality, Myth, Issues and Trends

    • Welcome

      Any discussion of football must acknowledge the popularity of the game in many parts of the world. The world does not just play football – it watches it, bets on it, argues about it and spends money it.

    • 2 of the biggest football clubs and the accompanying global brands

      Global Football, FIFA and the Big Five European Leagues

      We now move on to consider the game to-day and how it has grown into a global spectacle.

    • UEFA- One of the world's powerful governing bodies

      Overview, Key Terms, Readings and Next Steps

      This overview pulls together week two and provides you with a short set of readings taken from journal articles.

  • Week 3

    Great football clubs, nations and matches that changed the world

    • Real Madrid vs Barcelona, two of the world's wealthiest clubs but also great rivals.


      It is impossible to cover every great club and rivalry. Nonetheless, in Week 3 we will look at football wealth, rivalry, community, and matches that made a difference.

    • Barcelona have both a close relationship with the Catalan community and a successful youth academy.

      Great Football Communities, Clubs and Stadiums

      Ajax Amsterdam are known for creating a great youth system and Barcelona as a community owned club. Stadiums are part of the infrastructure of footballing cities. Is football good or bad for communities?

    • South African fans cheering their team at the 2010 FIFA World Cup

      Football Rivalries and Derby Matches

      Football may contribute to senses of nationhood and tensions that grow out of historical rivalries. Some matches have helped to bring about change in society. It's Africa's hour was the message from the 2010 World Cup.

    • Two footballers from AC Milan and Arsenal fight for the ball

      Overview, Key Terms, Readings and Next Steps

      This final activity provides an overview of what we have covered, some key terms and what we are moving on to next week.

  • Week 4

    The FIFA World Cup – Who are the champions of the world?

    • Who are the  World Champions this time and what of tomorrow?


      Men, women and the homeless have all been football champions of the world. Here we take a closer look at the champions. Who will they be in the future?

    • At August 2014 the USA women's team had been at the top of the FIFA world rankings for five years.

      Women: Champions and the World Cup

      You will learn about the winners and losers, the dominance of the USA and women's experiences in different parts of the world.

    • Coca Cola were one of the main sponsors of Brazil 2014

      World Cup Cities, Champions and Legacies

      You will learn more about the World Cup – Why do cities and countries want to host these major football events? What positive outcomes are produced?

    • Cost effective hours of football enjoyment have been had by kicking a ball against a wall but is this still popular?

      The Homeless World Cup

      Street soccer has been played by generations of children in different countries.

    • Two footballers from AC Milan and Arsenal fight for the ball

      Overview, key terms and next steps

      This final activity provides an overview of what we have covered, some key terms and what we are moving on to next week.

  • Week 5

    Football for International Development, Diplomacy and Peace

    • Can football be a resource of hope in places experiencing conflict ?


      Football has been increasingly recognised as a tool that can help with international development and diplomacy.

    • A women celebrates at the closing ceremony of a community football competition for internally displaced persons Nr Dafur.

      Football as Aid: Advancing International Development through Football

      Football has become a vital instrument for hundreds of development programmes run by non-governemental and community-based organisations around the world. Such programmes if well planned can contribute to beneficial social change.

    • A football enthusiast hoping that things can get better.

      Football for Hope, Peace, Diplomacy, and Health

      A number of projects from around the world see football as a resource for hope. These projects cover a broad spectrum, including coaching programmes, football and HIV support, and football for peace.

    • Community football pitch


      A short test of 10 questions on Football: More than a Game.

    • Two footballers from AC Milan and Arsenal fight for the ball

      Overview, key terms and next steps

      This final activity provides an overview of what we have covered, some key terms and what we are moving on to next week.

  • Week 6

    Football finances, ownership and review

    • Well done - we are all celebrating at you joining us in this final week

      Welcome and Congratulations

      We are on the final week. This week will cover the issues of football finance and governance, and provide you with further sources of information. We hope you have enjoyed working with the University of Edinburgh.

    • How much will future football stars be worth ?

      Football Issues and Preparation for Peer Review

      How much will stars of the future be worth?

    • Your 500 word answer to why football is more than a game

      Short writing and peer review exercise - have a go!

    • Two footballers from AC Milan and Arsenal fight for the ball

      Overview, Key Terms and the Final Steps

      This final activity provides an overview of what we have covered, some key terms and the final steps.

When would you like to start?

Start straight away and join a global classroom of learners. If the course hasn’t started yet you’ll see the future date listed below.

  • Available now

Learning on this course

On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Understand the importance of concepts to explain football in different countries
  • Understand and explain the role of football within international development
  • Critically examine and understand the use of data and evidence
  • Consider the role of history in explaining trends and change
  • Develop communication, IT and data analysis skills
  • Apply knowledge, skills and understanding to explain why Football is more than a game
  • Develop autonomy, accountability and working with others

Who is the course for?

Is this course only for football experts and fans?

Not at all, everyone is welcome - anybody interested in football and its place in the world. We recommend a broad interest in football as a contemporary phenomenon - you will cover some of the top football clubs, grass-roots football projects, the FIFA World Cup, and the Homeless World Cup.

What resources will I need for this class?

All you need is internet access to join in the discussions and time to work through each week’s content.

Who will you learn with?

Grant Jarvie

Grant is Professor of Sport at the university, comes from an international sporting family and you can find out more by accessing Grant Jarvie at the University of Edinburgh.

Neil works in the Widening Participation unit at the University of Edinburgh. He has a BSc (Hons) and a PhD.

Ross Walker

Ross is a Senior Lecturer in Sport Development at the University of the West of Scotland and is Global Fellow at the Academy of Sport, University of Edinburgh.

Who developed the course?

University of Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh

Founded in 1583, the University of Edinburgh is one of the world’s top universities and is globally recognised for research, innovation and high-quality teaching.

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  • Learn through a mix of bite-sized videos, long- and short-form articles, audio, and practical activities
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