Skip to 0 minutes and 0 seconds Hello learners around the globe. Today, I would like to explain you a little bit more about our upcoming course, about exploring the world of electric buses, advancing zero-emission public transport around the globe. It’s a course together with the Aachen University, GIZ, the TUMI Project and us, PEM Motion. This course is designed especially for individuals working in the transportation sector, such as policy makers, decision makers, practitioners like urban planners, architects, transport planners, or for students and researchers. It’s also open for anyone familiar with fundamentals and topics related to electric mobility, especially in emerging countries like Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Skip to 0 minutes and 47 seconds And basically, for everyone who has an interest in electric buses and electric transportation, the course will be divided into six dedicated weeks, where we will give you different interviews, lectures, case studies, reading materials, videos, and also would like to come into a discussion with you into our forum. We want to give you the opportunity to ask questions to our learners. The course will be guided by Alexandra from Ecuador. She will be your guide through the course and give you the lectures. We also have very engaging, interesting guest lecturers who will share their experience from around the globe.
Skip to 1 minute and 29 seconds We have case studies from Latin America, from India, from Africa, giving you better understanding what is happening in the world of electric mobility. In the first week of the course, we will introduce you to the topic of electric buses and their benefits. So it will be basically an introductory week. We dive into the world of electric buses, exploring the advantages and also the technology behind it. In the second week we will discuss project planning and how to involve the necessary stakeholders. Looking at the critical aspects of electric bus projects, but also the importance of involving the stakeholders for successful implementation.
Skip to 2 minutes and 7 seconds In the third week we will focus really on the technology and the selection of the right technology and how to finance that. That means what is the right technology for which approach and what electric bus is fitting for which use cases. In the fourth week, we will talk about the operation model, the operation planning, and also the operation monitoring. So we will explore different operational considerations and monitoring strategies which in the end help to ensure efficiency and the effectiveness of electric bus fleets. In the fifth week, we will explore staff training and employment operations, so how to have the right stuff ready for implementing E-Buses and what are the overall market opportunities there?
Skip to 2 minutes and 53 seconds We will look into training requirements of the personnel in the bus sector and discuss also employment opportunities which an electric bus system offers. In the sixth and final week, We will look at the end of life of the batteries. So what can we do with the batteries of the electric busses after they are used and come to an end of life in the fleets, meaning scrapping, recycling, second use. So we will address the sustainable practices for handling this end of life batteries. If you imagine they are probably very huge and need a dedicated recycling or re-use route.
Skip to 3 minutes and 33 seconds So, throughout the course we will cover a wide range of topics and each week is designed to provide you with valuable insights knowledge in a very concise format, allowing also you, the learners gaining expertise first-hand and understanding electric bus technologies the best you can. So I’m looking forward to welcome you in the course. Join us on this journey. Register on Future Learn and yeah, happy to see you there and hear your story.