• University of Padova

Understanding Epilepsy and its Neuropsychology

Find out what epilepsy is and what its cognitive and psychosocial consequences are.

10,087 enrolled on this course

The brain imagined as a labyrinth and crossed by a brain wave

Understanding Epilepsy and its Neuropsychology

10,087 enrolled on this course

  • 4 weeks

  • 3 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Introductory level

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Understand epilepsy from a biopsychosocial perspective

Epilepsy is a common condition, but how much do you know about the neuropsychology of the disorder? On this course, you will learn about the cognitive and psychosocial deficits that epilepsy sufferers can experience.

You will begin with an overview of epilepsy and the techniques used for its medical diagnosis. You will learn what a neuropsychological evaluation involves and the abilities that are assessed. You will also learn how to give first aid to someone suffering from a seizure.

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Skip to 0 minutes and 11 seconds Hi Roberta, sorry I am late Don’t worry! But you seem shaken what happened? Yes, I am shaken. When I was in the bathroom, and there was a girl by the wall. She was very confused and I was afraid because I wasn’t able to help her. Fortunately, few seconds later a friend of hers arrived and explained to me that she had just had an absence seizure and the confusion was because of it. I think that I know that girl. Maybe she is Alice. Years ago, she was diagnosed with epilepsy and she shows some cognitive difficulties like memory and talking problems. She is often lost and she also complains about her lack of autonomy and her parents worrying.

Skip to 0 minutes and 44 seconds She is not even able to drive! I can’t imagine how difficult it is to learn at school for her. We should always remember that disabilities are not always visible. You are right. I think that everyone should know something about epilepsy and all its consequences, even the cognitive ones. It’s important to also know what it is good to do during a seizure to help the person who is having it. What about following an online course about epilepsy to get prepared? I’m going to present a course on Epilepsy and neuropsychology. This course covers three weeks.

Skip to 1 minute and 23 seconds In the first week I’m going to present the concept of epilepsy and types of seizures The second week will focus on the role of the brain and the specific classification of types of epileptic syndromes. And In the third week I will talk about epilepsy from a psychosocial perspective. I hope you will find this course fruitful and enjoyable


  • Week 1

    What is epilepsy?

    • image of a brane

      Presentation of the course

      A welcome to the course and an introduction to the Lead educator and the two Mentors

    • image of a brain

      Introduction to epilepsy

      A description of this neurological disorder, characteristics of seizures and cases

  • Week 2

    How to diagnose epilepsy?

    • word cloud of terms regarding epilepsy

      Seizures and epilepsy

      Different kinds of seizures and epilepsy

    • Two doctors observing an x ray

      Medical evaluation

      The diagnostic process

    • computer keyboard

      Cognitive evaluation

      Neuropsychological assessment of cognitive deficits

  • Week 3

    How to deal with epilepsy?

    • Image of two people facing each other

      Psychosocial effects of epilepsy

      Consequences on mood and daily difficulties

    • woman who rescues a boy lying on the ground

      Support for epilepsy

      Cognitive interventions and first aid in case of a seizure

  • Week 4

    Epilepsy across countries and cultures

    • Epilepsy across cultures

      Epilepsy across cultures

      This activity delves into the historical narratives surrounding epilepsy, the conceptualization of the disorder in alternative medicine, and examines the stigma associated with it.

    • Conclusions


      conclusions of the course

When would you like to start?

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  • Available now

  • Available now

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What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Improve your knowledge about epilepsy
  • Explore tests and techniques used to evaluate different aspects of epilepsy
  • Investigate epilepsy from a bio-psychosocial perspective
  • Identify how to basically support someone with seizures

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for healthcare professionals, postgraduate students with an interest in the topic, people who have been diagnosed with epilepsy as well as anyone who lives or works with them and is interested in the neuropsychology of epilepsy.

Who will you learn with?

Sara Mondini

Psychologist and Professor of Clinical neuropsychology at the University of Padova. Her research focuses on a variety of cognitive disorders following brain injury and degenerative pathologies

Veronica Pucci

I have a Master degree in Neuroscience and Neuropsychological Rehabilitation from the University of Padua. Currently, I am carryng out researche in neuropsychology with professor Mondini.

Giulia Sebastianutto

I have a Master's degree in Neuroscience and Neuropsychological Rehabilitation from the University of Padua.
Currently, I am carrying out research in neuropsychology with Professor Mondini.

Who developed the course?

University of Padova

University of Padova

The University of Padova is one of Europe’s oldest and most prestigious seats of learning; it aims to provide its students with both professional training and a solid cultural background.

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