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Innovative Leadership: Developing Curiosity

Discover the vital importance of intellectual curiosity for business, alongside workplace performance expert Dr. Diane Hamilton.

4,111 enrolled on this course

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Innovative Leadership: Developing Curiosity

4,111 enrolled on this course

  • 3 weeks

  • 2 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Introductory level

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Identify how curiosity can drive business innovation and advance your career

In just three weeks you’ll learn how to develop your sense of intellectual curiosity, overcoming inhibition to drive innovation and change in your organisation.

Learn from world-leading performance expert Dr. Diane Hamilton

Creator of the Curiosity Code Index® and the acclaimed author of ‘Cracking the Curiosity Code’, Dr. Diane Hamilton is a renowned thought-leader in business management, innovation, and leadership.

On this course, she will guide you into understanding the importance and value of curiosity – how it can spark innovation, and drive engagement at work.

Dr. Hamilton will show you how being more curious can make the difference in decision-making – and become a key leadership quality.

As the former MBA Program Chair at the Forbes School of Business – and with decades of business training experience – she is perfectly placed to give you expert advice on motivation and innovation in the workplace.

Explore how curiosity can boost your leadership skills

Curiosity is a basic human trait, and one which is vital for survival. However, the value of curiosity in organisations has often been overlooked in theories of innovation.

On this course, you’ll explore and evaluate what stops people from being curious, and discover the ways you can overcome your own doubts to harness the power of curiosity – leading lasting change in your organisation or business.

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Skip to 0 minutes and 5 seconds I want you to ask yourself what’s holding you back. I’ve interviewed hundreds of top leaders in the world, and number one on everybody’s list of what they think is going to make people successful is curiosity. Many people find themselves in dead end jobs, or they’re very unhappy in their jobs because they haven’t really explored their inner curiosity for different areas. A lot of what leaders need to do is get a baseline on people and find out, is this person really matched for these tasks? Where can I use them? You know how you find out? You talk about it.

Skip to 0 minutes and 44 seconds Communication is the number one soft skill that I see people struggle with, and our empathy is one of the most important things we can have for communication, and how you handle yourselves in a moment of stress is going to dictate how people see you and how they communicate with you and how much they trust you. So many people just focus so narrowly on how they see the world, but we really need to open ourselves up to how others see the world. And once we do that, we develop this level of competency in dealing with people. I mean, we can improve our ability to communicate significantly. You must understand how to reach people in the way they want to be reached.

Skip to 1 minute and 29 seconds It is the platinum rule. It is treat them as they’d want to be treated. Throw out the golden rule because it doesn’t matter how you want to be treated.

What topics will you cover?

  • The value of curiosity
  • How curiosity is important for survival
  • The relationship of curiosity to drive and motivation
  • The relationship of curiosity to leadership, engagement, and decision-making
  • The relationship of curiosity to different types of intelligence including IQ and EQ
  • The relationship of curiosity to creativity and innovation
  • What inhibits curiosity
  • How to overcome the inhibitors of curiosity

When would you like to start?

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  • Available now

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What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Describe the value of curiosity
  • Explain how curiosity is important for survival
  • Explore the connections between curiosity, drive and motivation
  • Explore the connections between curiosity, leadership, engagement, and decision-making
  • Compare curiosity with different types of intelligence including IQ and EQ
  • Compare curiosity to creativity and innovation
  • Discuss the inhibitors to curiosity and how to overcome them

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for learners in the working world who would like to advance their career. All level of employees, HR professionals, and executives could benefit from the content in this course.

Who will you learn with?

Dr. Diane Hamilton

I am the creator of the Curiosity Code Index assessment, author of Cracking the Curiosity Code, former MBA Program Chair at Forbes School of Business, radio show host, and an international speaker.

Who developed the course?

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  • Learn through a mix of bite-sized videos, long- and short-form articles, audio, and practical activities
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  • Complete 90% of course steps and all of the assessments to earn your certificate

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