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  • Howdu

Creative Problem Solving: Design Thinking in Health and Social Care

Learn how design thinking can be applied in health and social care settings to drive innovation and approach challenges.

6,802 enrolled on this course

Creative Problem Solving: Design Thinking in Health and Social Care

6,802 enrolled on this course

  • 2 weeks

  • 4 hours per week

  • Accreditation available

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Introductory level

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The CPD Certification Service

This course has been certified by the CPD Certification Service as conforming to continuing professional development principles. Find out more.

Explore how design thinking can be applied in health and social care

Healthcare systems face many issues: increasing demand, limited budgets, and major health challenges like ageing populations. New approaches are needed to ensure healthcare systems are working as well as they can.

Design thinking is an innovative approach that offers valuable strategies for creating ‘user-centred care’. On this course you will learn the core principles of design thinking including visualisation, iteration, and collaboration. You will explore how it can be applied to the healthcare sector, analysing recent case studies across a range of health and social care settings.


  • Week 1

    The power of design thinking

    • Blue piece of screwed up paper in a drawing of a lightbulb on a pad of paper


      In these first few steps, you will be introduced to the course and the educators and obtain an overview of the learning objectives and content to be covered in the first week.

    • The back of a man looking at a wall full of post-it notes

      The context for design and health

      In this activity, we outline the current context for design thinking as a relevant approach for problem-solving in health and social care, with reference to examples and systemic issues facing health and social care systems.

    • Lightbulb in a chalk drawing of a thinking cloud

      Design models

      In this activity, we will look at different design models, specifically the double diamond model. We will then go on to think about the problem we use design thinking to solve.

    • Two people cutting up resources for designing

      Design principles

      In this activity, we will look at the 4 design principles in detail and some associated case studies.

    • Hand holding a pen who is about to write some notes on a notepad

      Summary of Week 1

      In this final step, we will review what we have covered over Week 1 of this course.

  • Week 2

    Applied design thinking

    • Two people working on drawings

      Design in practice

      In this activity, we look at what's to come in Week 2 and introduce a specific case study in Rheumatology where design thinking has been used.

    • Image of the double diamond model of design thinking focused on the discovery section

      Double Diamond: Discover

      In this activity, we look at the first phase of the double diamond design model, Discover. We look at what it is and why it is important, as well as examine some toolbox and case studies which showcase this phase.

    • Image of the double diamond model of design thinking focused on the define section

      Double Diamond: Define

      In this activity, we look at the second phase of the double diamond design model, Define. We look at what it is and why it is important, as well as examine some toolbox and case studies which showcase this phase.

    • Image of the double diamond model of design thinking focused on the develop phase

      Double Diamond: Develop

      In this activity, we look at the third phase of the double diamond design model, Develop. We look at what it is and why it is important, as well as examine some toolbox and case studies which showcase this phase.

    • Image of the double diamond model of design thinking focused on the deliver phase

      Double Diamond: Deliver

      In this activity, we look at the final phase of the double diamond design model, Deliver. We look at what it is and why it is important, as well as examine some toolbox and case studies which showcase this phase.

    • Hand holding a pen who is about to write some notes on a notepad

      Summary of Week 2

      In the final few steps, we will review what we have covered over Week 2 of this course.

Who is this accredited by?

The CPD Certification Service
The CPD Certification Service:

The CPD Certification Service was established in 1996 and is the leading independent CPD accreditation institution operating across industry sectors to complement the CPD policies of professional and academic bodies.

When would you like to start?

Start straight away and join a global classroom of learners. If the course hasn’t started yet you’ll see the future date listed below.

  • Available now

Learning on this course

On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Demonstrate methods by which complex problems can be reframed as opportunities
  • Apply design thinking as a creative force to drive and foster innovation and change
  • Interpret systemic, intractable challenges through the eyes of users (people, patients, staff)
  • Explore the use of prototypes to test solutions with minimum cost and risk
  • Identify opportunities for using design methods within your own health or social care environment
  • Reflect on insights from successful design-led innovation projects in a range of health settings

Who is the course for?

This course is for healthcare and social care professionals, who are interested in making positive change.

The course is ideal for both clinical and non-clinical staff and features methods and tools that can be applied by managers, consultants, nurses, allied health professionals, and community care staff.

Who will you learn with?

Chris Howroyd

I am a designer with a passion for products and services that make a difference to people’s lives. Specialising in healthcare I spend most of my time working with frontline staff in the NHS.

Kate Tatton-Brown

I'm a Consultant and Reader in Clinical Genetics. In addition to my clinical role, I am engaged in genomic research and am committed to improving medical education.

Laura Smith

I've spent years working with social businesses to find new approaches in the face of increasing demand and limited budgets. I now spend my time designing health-related, user-led content.

Who developed the course?

City St George's logo

City St George's, University of London

City St George’s School of Health and Medical Sciences is a leading provider of education in the fields of healthcare, medicine and psychology.



Howdu is an independent design consultancy working in the public, private and voluntary sectors to design better business models, products and systems.

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  • Learn through a mix of bite-sized videos, long- and short-form articles, audio, and practical activities
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