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Decision-making Approaches and Techniques

Informed decision-making comes from exploring decision-making models and using the appropriate decision-making tools.

  • Duration

    2 weeks
  • Weekly study

    10 hours

Investigate the available options to approach business-critical decisions

Decisions in business are not made in a vacuum, so it’s important to assess decision-making conditions and understand the impact these have on the process. You’ll be introduced to the types of decision that exist, before comparing and contrasting different decision-making models to explore how these work.

Develop your understanding of groupthink and the conditions pertaining to it, as well as reflecting on techniques that can be used to improve decision-making. As the course reaches its conclusion, you’ll appraise a number of appropriate decision-making tools which can facilitate the process.

What topics will you cover?

The types of decision that exist

  • What is decision-making?
  • The levels, types and stages of decision-making
  • Five recognised decision-making styles: autocratic, information seeking, consulting and negotiating

Decision-making conditions

  • Non-programmed and programmed decision-making
  • Individual and group decision-making, including groupthink
  • How managers make decisions which affect the quality of their organisation, taking into consideration the balance of interests of stakeholders
  • Techniques that can be used to improve decision-making

Characteristics of decision-making models

  • Classical-Rational model for decision-making
  • Administrative decision-making
  • Political decision-making

Decision-making tools

  • Forecasting
  • Decision-tree
  • PEST Analysis
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Feasibility Study
  • Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis

Learning on this course

On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Describe the types of decision that exist
  • Assess decision-making conditions
  • Explore decision-making models
  • Evaluate decision-making tools

Who is the course for?

The course is applicable across a variety of roles, sectors and geographies. It’s suitable for junior and middle managers, either with a degree in a non-business-related discipline or without a degree, and for learners looking to progress in their careers within or outside of their existing workplace. It will also help to equip entrepreneurs with a range of business skills.

What software or tools do you need?

No specific software required.

Who will you learn with?

Geoffrey Proudlock

Geoffrey Proudlock BA(Hons), MSc, CMgr FCMI, FHEA, FCIH - head of curriculum - business, law and creative Industries

Clare Garrick

Clare Garrick BA,(Hons), MA, FHEA, CMgr MCMI – business course leader. Coventry University Scarborough

Who developed the course?

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Coventry University

Coventry secured 5 QS Stars for Teaching and Online Learning in the QS World University Ranking 2020 and has received No. 1 in the world for Massive Open Online Courses in MoocLab’s World University Ranking 2021.

  • Established

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