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Create Your Own Change Cloud

A Change Cloud is a helpful way to think about transitions, their impact on children’s growth and development, and your response to it.

What is a Change Cloud?

You can use the text below to guide your conversation with children about the Change Cloud. Modify to address their situational and developmental needs.

We’re going through some changes because of <transition, event, or cause of disruption>. I want to talk a bit about how these changes make you feel. To help us, let’s pretend <transition, event, or cause of disruption> is a cloud. Some clouds pass quickly and some stay for very long time. Some clouds bring changes that we can manage easily, and some clouds bring changes that are really hard and we wish would go away. Let’s make a cloud to represent <transition, event, or cause of disruption>. What kind of cloud should it be? What does your cloud look like, sound like, feel like?

Suggested Reflection Questions

  1. Does it feel like a big or little change?
  2. Was it an expected or unexpected change ?
  3. Did it happen slowly or all of a sudden?
  4. Has it been around for a while or did it enter our lives recently?
  5. What things have changed? What things have remained the same?
  6. How do you feel about these changes? E.g., scared, worried, unsure, excited, disappointed, angry, sad, curious Note: You can use these resources to help identify different feelings-related words:

    a. Emotions Wheel (Source: Youth First Inc.)

    b. Feelings Tree (Source: EASEL Lab)

  7. What can we do to help each other right now?
  8. What do you miss about life before the change?
  9. What’s scary? What’s exciting?
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Coping with Changes: Social-Emotional Learning Through Play

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