• University of Reading
  • Royal Meteorological Society

Come Rain or Shine: Understanding the Weather

Understand and explore the physical processes behind the weather

45,226 enrolled on this course

Weather: a satellite image of clouds above the earth

Come Rain or Shine: Understanding the Weather

45,226 enrolled on this course

  • 5 weeks

  • 3 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Open level

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Weather affects our lives almost every day through what we wear, what we eat and what we do. But why is it rainy, windy or sometimes even sunny? Explore some of the physical processes driving UK weather systems and get hands on in the world of weather with practical activities and fieldwork. Try your hand at forecasting and have a go at interpreting weather maps and compare your results with our educator, Dr Sylvia Knight’s. You’ll also watch our educators carrying out simple but effective experiments including creating clouds, simulating hot air rising and demonstrating the Coriolis effect.

You’ll then move on to explore the global controls on weather and climate, looking at Earth’s energy budget and the factors that influence it. You’ll learn about global atmospheric and oceanic circulation and discover how and why the weather in the Tropics differs from that in the UK, before studying other weather systems such as Monsoons, Tropical cyclones and El Niño/La Niña.

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Skip to 0 minutes and 6 seconds The weather is all around us. It affects what we eat, it affects what we wear, it affects just about every industry and every leisure activity. The weather is constantly in the news so when there’s a major weather event, particularly an extreme weather event, people want to hear about it because it affects their lives. Today here at the University of Reading’s atmospheric observatory we’re lucky enough to have a pretty nice day. The sun’s shining, it’s quite cold but the weather’s good. But what affects the weather? What makes it rain? What makes it windy? Or sometimes even what makes it sunny? These are the sorts of things that we’re going to explore in this course.

Skip to 0 minutes and 39 seconds We’re going to learn something about the processes that underlie the weather that we see every day. We’re going to do that through a combination of written material, online searches and practical demonstrations.


  • Week 1

    Low pressure systems

    • Sun icon

      Welcome to the course

      Find out about what you will be learning, who will be guiding you and how the course is taught.

    • Cloud icon

      Depressions and how they form

      Learn about low pressure systems, what depression are and how they form in mid-latitudes.

    • Sun behind cloud icon

      The Coriolis Effect

      Discover what causes wind and how its direction is affected by the Earth's rotation.

    • Snow icon

      Review and Reflect

      Reflect on what you've learnt this week and explore online teaching resources related to the topics covered in Week 1.

  • Week 2

    Weather maps, sting jets and jet streams

    • Sun icon

      Welcome to Week 2

      Find out what will be covered in Week 2.

    • Cloud icon

      Weather maps

      Learn how to read a weather map using depression data in a series of exercises.

    • Sun behind a cloud icon

      Jets, conveyors and faster cold fronts

      Look in more detail at the movement of air within and around a depression and explore some associated weather features.

    • Snow icon

      Review and Reflect

      Check your understanding with an end of week quiz and take a look at online teaching resources related to the topics covered in Week 2.

  • Week 3

    Air masses, rain, snow and high pressure

    • Sun icon

      Welcome to Week 3

      Find out what will be covered in Week 3 of Come Rain or Shine.

    • Cloud icon

      Air masses

      Learn about the six air masses which can affect the weather in the UK before trying to identify air masses on a weather map.

    • Sun behind a cloud icon

      Types of rain

      Find out more about frontal, orographic and relief convective rainfall and explore a case study.

    • Thunder icon


      Move on to look at high pressure weather systems - anticyclones - and how they affect UK weather.

    • Snow icon

      Review and Reflect

      Check what you've learnt with an end of week quiz and discuss the weather you've experienced recently in the light of what you've covered.

  • Week 4

    Global controls on weather and climate, and fieldwork

    • Sun icon

      The Earth's energy budget

      In Week 4, you'll move beyond the UK and learn about the factors that determine the global climate.

    • Cloud icon

      The Earth's energy budget: part 2

      Explore how time, volcanoes and people impact the Earth’s energy budget and therefore the weather and climate.

    • Sun behind a cloud icon


      Try recording weather data yourself, using readily available equipment or items you can find at home.

    • Snow icon

      Review and Reflect

      Check what you've learnt with an isoline exercise before looking ahead to the final week.

  • Week 5

    Tropical weather systems

    • Sun icon

      Welcome to Week 5

      Find out about the weather systems you'll be learning about in Week 5 and get to grips with oceanic and atmospheric circulation.

    • Cloud icon

      El Niño, monsoons and tropical cyclones

      Discover how the excess of energy within the Tropics impacts the types of weather systems that form in this part of the world

    • Snow icon

      Review and reflect

      Contribute to this course's record of weather around the world and understand the principles of forecasting before reflecting on what you've covered in Week 5 and exploring resources to continue your learning.

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  • Available now

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What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Interpret synoptic charts and use them to describe weather details such as wind speed and direction, precipitation and cloud cover.
  • Explore depressions and discover why they are so significant in mid-latitude locations such as the UK.
  • Investigate the physical processes behind weather, such as warm air rising, cloud formation and the Coriolis effect with experiments you can do at home.
  • Record your local weather conditions and share your findings.
  • Reflect on the processes that affect the Earth’s atmosphere and therefore climate, both natural (volcanoes, orbit) and man-made (greenhouse gases).
  • Apply your understanding of mid-latitude weather systems to analyse weather data and images.

Who is the course for?

You don’t need any existing knowledge of meteorology, just an interest in learning about the weather. This might appeal to you if you’re signed up to Met Matters or Weather Watchers. There should be something for everyone – whether you are coming to the course with a fair amount of previous knowledge, or none at all. If this is the first time you’ve taken a meteorology course you may find some of the content challenging, but don’t worry there will be plenty of help available.

It also might appeal to you if you’re a geography teacher. For example, the amount of time devoted to weather within the English National Curriculum and GCSE and A level specifications has hugely increased; this course will help improve your confidence to teach the topics and may also be directly relevant to your students, some of whom may consider a career in meteorology.

Course image used with permission of NEODAAS/University of Dundee.

Who will you learn with?

Peter Inness

I am a lecturer in the Meteorology Department at Reading University.
Prior to joining the University I worked for the Met Office in several different roles.

Sylvia Knight

Head of Education for the Royal Meteorological Society - which involves supporting weather and climate teaching throughout the UK. I've got a physical Natural Sciences degree and PhD in meteorology.

Who developed the course?

University of Reading

University of Reading

The University of Reading has a reputation for excellence in teaching, research and enterprise.

Royal Meteorological Society

The Royal Meteorological Society

The Royal Meteorological Society is the professional and learned society for weather and climate.

Endorsers and supporters

supported by

European Meteorological Society

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