27 Courses

Learn new skills, pursue your interests or advance your career with our short online courses.

Off to university?

Learn useful new academic and personal skills

Going to university is a really exciting time, but it can feel challenging and a little nerve-wracking. These courses are designed to help you feel more confident in everything from your study and academic skills to your personal life.

In higher education, you’ll need more advanced study skills than you did at school, and these online courses can help you hone your critical thinking, academic writing and exam skills. If some of your learning is hybrid, you’ll find out more about studying online and success with online courses.

But university is about more than just the lectures, as we all know. It may be the first time you’ve lived away from home, so our courses on preparing for university and guides for college life will give you a good grounding in what to expect. We’ve also hand-picked some courses to help you look after yourself and your mental health while at university – an important life skill to learn for the future.

And after uni? You may want to prepare for postgraduate study, getting a graduate job and returning to education as a mature student.

Want to read more? Read our article on 10 top courses to prepare you for university or our top 10 study tips for effective learning.