12 Courses

Learn new skills, pursue your interests or advance your career with our short online courses.

Challenge yourself and learn new skills whilst you’re at home

The implementation of social distancing and self-isolation rules are bringing untold challenges to our communities. From the issue of remote working to finding childcare, there are no easy solutions to the effects of the coronavirus.

Whilst we don’t know what’s to come, we can assume that our time at home won’t be over anytime soon. One way to keep challenging yourself whilst indoors is to develop a new skill or explore a new interest.

Whether you’ve always wanted to learn a new language, you’d like to rekindle your love of an old favourite subject, or you want to take the opportunity to find a new passion, our online courses are free, social and go from beginner to advanced level.

Social learning is key on FutureLearn and each step within a course invites you to comment and share your ideas, experiences, or questions to your fellow learners or the educator themselves.

At a time when face-to-face communication isn’t possible, discussing shared passions is a great way to keep in touch with the outside world.

Browse our range of courses designed to challenge, inspire, explain, and engage, and try new things during your time at home.