Skip to 0 minutes and 23 seconds Hello everyone Welcome to our course on Chemometric in Air Pollution.
Skip to 0 minutes and 35 seconds I have been working with my students on physico-chemical interaction of air pollutants health risk and the dynamics of air particles into human respiratory system since the last 8 years in Malaysia. Air pollution is an emerging issue in southeast Asian countries, especially in Malaysia and also many other parts of the world. A common example of air pollution in Southeast Asia is “Haze Episode”. Do you know? about 100 thousand people died in Southeast Asia due to the haze episode in 2015? We often experience Haze in Malaysia. The potential cause of haze in this region is “Slash and burn”. This practice enhances the haze pollution in Southeast Asian countries.
Skip to 1 minute and 34 seconds So, we design this course in an effective way which will help you to know the fundamental cause and effect of air pollution. In this course we will also introduce you a number of applications as the mitigation tools in air pollution. Chemometric receptor models have been widely used application tools to quantitatively fingerprinting of the emission sources for the potential pollutants. You will have an opportunity to learn some of the essential chemometric models under this course. I hope that you will enjoy this course.I look forward to seeing your participation in this course.