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Causes of Climate Change

Learn the physical processes behind climate variation around the world to better understand the causes of climate change.

26,389 enrolled on this course

Iceberg melting in sunset

Causes of Climate Change

26,389 enrolled on this course

  • 3 weeks

  • 4 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Introductory level

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Uncover the past, present, and future of the causes of climate change

This free online course provides the basis for understanding the underlying physical processes governing climate variations in the past, present and future.

On this course, you’ll explore the main external forcing mechanisms such as the sun, volcanoes, and changes in greenhouse gasses and aerosols, which can contribute to changing the global energy budget and initiate climate variations.

You’ll also consider the role of internal feedback mechanisms and the energy transport in the atmosphere and ocean, in order to understand regional variations in climate.

You’ll gain an in-depth understanding of the complexities of the climate system, and be able to put the recently observed, man-made changes in climate in the context of past natural changes.

To uncover the true causes of climate change, you’ll learn with experts from The University of Bergen. They host the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, the largest centre for natural science-based climate research in Scandinavia.

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Skip to 0 minutes and 15 seconds Did you ever wonder what drives the climate system? Or did you ever wonder why there is such a large contrast in climate between our location here on the west coast of Norway, compared to southern Greenland, which are all at the same latitude?

Skip to 0 minutes and 30 seconds My name is Kerim Hestnes Nisancioglu, I am a professor at the Department of Earth Science at the University of Bergen. Here in Bergen it is not uncommon that it rains up to 3 meters in one year. This is because of the frequent storms coming off the ocean and hitting the mountains surrounding our beautiful city. It is therefore no surprise that modern meteorology was developed here in Bergen. In this course we will try to answer many of the key questions relating to the dynamics of the climate system and what drives it. We will also take you on a brief tour of past changes in climate and their causes, as well as discuss the implications of man made emissions of greenhouse gases.

Skip to 1 minute and 11 seconds My energy source today is this sandwich. Together with professor Asgeir Sorteberg we’ll be guiding you through 6 lectures, including interactive problem sets and background reading. Along the way we will visit heavy snowfall in the mountains surrounding Bergen, as well as calving glaciers on the coast of Greenland. On behalf of the University of Bergen I hope you’ll find this course both stimulating, challenging and fun.

What topics will you cover?

  • Radiative forcing
  • Climate feedbacks and heat transport
  • Past changes in climate and ocean heat uptake

When would you like to start?

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  • Available now

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What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Reflect on the complexities of the climate system, and be able to put the recently observed, man-made changes in climate in the context of past natural changes.
  • Explain the underlying physical processes governing climate variations in the past, present and future.
  • Describe the role of atmosphere and ocean energy transport and their impact on regional variations in climate.
  • Summarise the main feedback mechanisms in the climate system.
  • Describe the role of ocean heat uptake for the timescales of response to changes in climate forcing.

Who is the course for?

This course is intended for those with an interest in the physical aspects of climate variations and change.

It does not require any previous experience of studying the causes of climate change, but high school level mathematics and physics is recommended.

Who will you learn with?

Kerim Hestnes Nisancioglu

Professor of Climate Dynamics at the Department of Earth Science at the University of Bergen and the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research

https://kerim.b.uib.no @nissenjo #FLclimatechange

Asgeir Sorteberg

I am Professor in atmospheric dynamics working at the Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen (GFI) and the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research (BCCR).

Johanna Marquardt

I'm doing my PhD at the University of Bergen, Norway, in paleoceanography. Currently, I am teaching assistant for the related course SDG213 at the University of Bergen.

Vandhna Kumar

Hi - I'm a postdoctoral fellow at the Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen. My research is based on climate model projections of sea level rise in the Pacific region.

Who developed the course?

University of Bergen logo

University of Bergen

The University of Bergen (UiB) offers first-class education and cutting-edge research at our location in the city centre of Bergen, Norway.

Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research

Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research

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