• University of Padova
  • Netpoulsafe logo
  • EU Horizon Logo

Biosecurity Compliance in European Poultry Farms

Learn how to implement biosecurity measures at all stages of poultry production from leading experts in European poultry farming.

366 enrolled on this course

In this picture you can see a glimpse of the beginning of the rearing cycle in poultry production. The field veterinarian checking the flock is adopting the proper biosecurity measures: this is particularly important at the beginning of the cycle

Biosecurity Compliance in European Poultry Farms

366 enrolled on this course

  • 4 weeks

  • 4 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Intermediate level

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Contribute to making poultry farming safer and more sustainable

Biosecurity measures are crucial to prevent the introduction and spread of pathogens between poultry farms. Effective biosecurity helps to guarantee the health and the welfare of birds, as well as the quality and safety of poultry products.

On this four-week course from the University of Padova, you’ll survey biosecurity measures at all stages of poultry production, and discuss how we can enhance compliance across Europe.

Learn from leading European experts

Your course leaders are a team of expert researchers specialising in European poultry farming and biosecurity. They’ll provide step-by-step guidance on actions farms can take to enhance biosecurity.

You’ll compare and contrast levels of biosecurity compliance in different European countries, exploring how standards could be improved across the continent.

Examine biosecurity measures at each stage of the production cycle

Your next step is to understand the various biosecurity measures recommended prior to and at every stage of the production cycle.

You’ll master a wide range of essential processes, including vector control, waste management, and cleaning and disinfection.

Take a closer look at biosecurity in egg production

In the final week of the course, you’ll focus on the specific challenges of biosecurity in egg production. You’ll note the similarities and differences between egg and poultry farming, and learn how to safely handle hatching and table eggs.

You’ll finish the course armed with the training you need to make European poultry farming cleaner, safer, and more sustainable.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 101000728.

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Skip to 0 minutes and 4 seconds Biosecurity in poultry farms. Are you ready to discover more? What pops into your head when you think about biosecurity in poultry production, Are you familiar with the most common biosecurity measures applied in poultry farms. What about the critical points? Have you ever heard about supporting measures to improve biosecurity compliance in poultry farms? Better yet, do you know why a lot of effort is put into this? I’m sure you have heard about infectious diseases like influenza, Salmonella, Campylobacter, or mycoplasma. Well, since their emergence, biosecurity has been a powerful prevention tool against their effects in poultry production. Biosecurity is a topic that affects everyone. No matter where are you from. He relies on the correct implementation of biosecurity measures.

Skip to 1 minute and 6 seconds Even if in diverse countries, there may be some differences. Biosecurity is usually well-known, but compliance isn’t optimum in all countries nor in each part of the poultry production chain. Until now, there is still no easy source of information available on biosecurity in European countries. Therefore, this knowledge needs to be shared among poultry professionals in Europe at each step of the poultry production chain from hatchery to the slaughterhouse. So let’s explore the basics of biosecurity and poultry production together with seven European countries that are leaders in this field. We will guide you through these huge world in the framework of the NetPoulSafe Project. We look forward to seeing you in our course.


  • Week 1

    Introduction to biosecurity in poultry farming in Europe

    • Introduction: scope and objectives of this course

      Introduce the activities of this MOOC, the NetPoulSafe project and get to know both the educators of this course and the learners.

    • What do you know about biosecurity?

      Different poultry production systems

    • Biosecurity in the countries involved in the project

      Different poultry production systems

    • Wrap up!

      Test the level of learning for this week and take home messages

  • Week 2

    Biosecurity at each step of the poultry production: before starting the cycle

    • How to deal with biosecurity at the beginning of the productive cycle?

      Introduce the activities of this week and gain some insights on biosecurity at the beginning of the productive cycle directly from the learner

    • label image

      Setting the farm before the beginning of the productive cycle

      Identify biosecurity measures implemented before the beginning of the productive cycle, considering different steps and critical points

    • Finally… arrival of poultry!

      Identify biosecurity measures needed to properly manage the arrival of the chicks and their needs considering different steps and critical points.

    • image Wrap up

      Wrap up!

      Test the level of learning for this week and take home messages

  • Week 3

    Biosecurity along the productive cycle

    • image  biosecurity along the production cycle

      How to deal with biosecurity along the productive cycle?

      Introduce the activities of this week and gain some insights on biosecurity along the productive cycle directly from the learner

    • image biological vector controls and management of wastes

      How to deal with biological vectors' control and management of wastes?

      Investigate the role and the implementation of biosecurity measures in the steps involving vector controls and management of wastes

    • image poultry houses

      How are poultry houses managed?

      Identify biosecurity measures needed to properly manage the poultry houses during the productive cycle.

    • image End of the cycle

      End of the cycle: cleaning and disinfection (C&D) procedures and management of the flock

      Investigate the role and the implementation of biosecurity measures in the steps involving the end of the productive cycle

    • Wrap up image

      Wrap up!

      Test the level of learning for this week and take home messages

  • Week 4

    Biosecurity of eggs

    • image with text What the egg

      What the egg? Biosecurity in hatching and table eggs

      Introduce the activities of this week and gain some insights on biosecurity in eggs

    • image with  biosecurity for hatching eggs

      How to deal with biosecurity for hatching and table eggs?

      Explore differences and similarities among biosecurity in both hatching and table eggs

    • Insight into the topic

      Insight into the topic

      Explore differences and similarities among biosecurity in both hatching and table eggs

    • Wrap up!

      Wrap up!

      Learn more about biosecurity: deepen your knowledge with some readings before the final test

When would you like to start?

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  • Available now

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What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Describe the role of biosecurity and the importance of its compliance in poultry farms
  • Justify the adoption of biosecurity practices in poultry production and in specific categories (i.e., broiler, broiler free range, layer, layer free range, turkey, duck, breeder, hatchery)
  • Compare the poultry production chain of the seven countries involved in the project (i.e., Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Poland, Hungary, France and Belgium);

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for anyone working on or interested in poultry farms across Europe.

It will also be useful for students of veterinary medicine or animal sciences who want to learn more about the specific challenges of biosecurity in poultry farming.

Who will you learn with?

Alessandra Piccirillo

Associate Professor at the University of Padua. She is a veterinarian with particular interest in poultry infectious diseases and their prevention through biosecurity measures.

Giuditta Tilli

My name is Giuditta Tilli and I am a DVM, now PhD student at University of Padua. Currently I am working with biosecurity in poultry farms and its beneficial role in intensive poultry farming.

Angela Trocino

Full professor in Poultry and Rabbit Science and Aquaculture at the DAFNAE Department of the University of Padova. Research and teaching activities are based on a One Welfare approach.

Annick Spaans

Project expert sustainable livestock farming at ZLTO. I'm working in the field of animal health (biosecurity, antimicrobial use, future proof livestock farming).

Aitor Devesa

Veterinarian currently working on Biosecurity in poultry farms. I have previously worked as an advisor in the food industry as well as an official veterinarian in slaughterhouse

Nathalie Rousset

Project Manager Engineer on Health-Hygiene issues.
I focus on the fight against antibioresistance and on supporting farmers in making changes, particularly biosecurity.

Anne-Christine LEFORT

Anne-Christine DUFAY-LEFORT is a veterinarian at ITAVI (French National Institute for Aviculture), leading the european thematic network NetPoulSafe aiming to improve biosecurity in the poultry sector

Artur Zbikowski

I am a vet and Avian Diseases Specialist working at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in Poland. My interests include various aspects of poultry pathology and prevention including biosecurity.

Arthi Amalraj

A veterinarian, pursuing my PhD at Ghent University and the Netpoulsafe project facilitator for Belgium. I developed a biosecurity scoring system for outdoor poultry, breeders, turkeys and ducks.

Who developed the course?

University of Padova

University of Padova

The University of Padova is one of Europe’s oldest and most prestigious seats of learning; it aims to provide its students with both professional training and a solid cultural background.

Netpoulsafe logo


NetPoulSafe is a european network to stimulate knowledge exchange on supporting measures to improve biosecurity compliance in poultry farming.

EU Horizon logo image

EU (Horizon 2020 Project)

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

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