Skip to 0 minutes and 10 secondsGRAHAM EATOUGH: Writing a play can be a fascinating experience, developing the skills to express your ideas dramatically and eventually seeing them realised on stage can be a hugely rewarding creative journey. But how would you even start to write a play? What are the particular skills you need to develop? What's the basic knowledge you need to start on this creative journey?
Skip to 0 minutes and 36 secondsI'm Doctor Graham, a lecturer in theatre studies at the University of Glasgow and along with playwright Studio Scotland and leading Scottish playwright Douglas Maxwell, we've put together this free online course that gives an expert guide to the whole process of writing a play from those first moments of inspiration, through the challenges of the writing process to getting your play in front of an audience. This introduction to playwriting is made up of a series of workshops designed to encourage you to write your own play, as well as giving you the chance to engage with other learners.
Skip to 1 minute and 16 secondsDuring the four weeks of this course, we'll look at some of the basic principles of playwriting, including key elements of the craft, such as character, story, dialogue, and setting. We'll think about what the ingredients are that makes a play work, what makes it theatrical. There'll be lots of practical tips for developing and maintaining a playwriting practice, as well as advice on what to do with your play once it's written, how you might get it on stage.
Skip to 1 minute and 49 secondsAs well as workshop leader Douglas Maxwell, you'll hear from a range of other playwrights, all with their own experiences and ideas. Join us to begin your own journey into the world of playwriting, and to gain an inspirational understanding of this fascinating craft.