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A Reporter’s Toolkit for the Digital Age

Learn essential skills and useful tools to help you become a reporter in a social media and digital era.

628 enrolled on this course

A Reporter’s Toolkit for the Digital Age

628 enrolled on this course

  • 4 weeks

  • 3 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Introductory level

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Enhance your skills as a news reporter

With so much of our news now consumed online, it’s important to know how digital journalism differs from traditional forms.

On this four-week course, you’ll increase your understanding of the essential ingredients for good reporting and how to apply this to online journalism.

This practical course will take you through a variety of exercises including how to pick the best stories for different target audiences, how to write a news story from information and quotes, and writing other forms of journalism to build your skills.

Explore the value of community news

You’ll examine what it means to have different communities reflected in the news and the impact this has on society.

Drawing from your own experiences, you’ll discuss how far you have seen various communities represented in the news before learning how reporters create this type of story.

You’ll also have the opportunity to create a story about your community or area of special interest.

Examine the power of social media in reporting and journalism

Social media has undoubtedly changed the way we report and consume news.

You’ll explore how news platforms use social media in reporting and what makes an engaging post without being ‘clickbait’.

As well as this, you’ll examine how news outlets use social media to pick up stories, interviewees, and case studies.

Explore the realms of digital journalism

Finally, you’ll explore the power of the personal story.

You’ll examine the attraction and also the danger of people telling their own stories before taking the opportunity to create your own piece of personalised journalism.


  • Week 1

    Building blocks of good journalism

    • Young man making a video blog recording with an iPad and DSLR camera

      Welcome to the course

      Welcome to ‘A reporter’s toolkit for the digital and social age’ – a course designed to cement in your mind the building blocks of good, authoritative and engaging journalism – and get you creating some of your own.

    • Woman researching on her laptop whilst taking notes

      Building blocks of good journalism

      What goes into making quality journalism? What are the key principles it is built on?

    • Employees typesetting in a newsroom.

      Developing 'news sense'

      How do editors decide which stories to feature on their pages or in their news programmes? The decisions will be based on news judgement or news sense. What is this and how can you develop it? Follow the next steps to find out.

    • A male reporter filming himself on a digital camera in the street

      Weekly wrap-up

      Lead Educator Angela Harrison looks back on what you’ve covered this week and highlights what’s coming up next week.

  • Week 2

    Covering your community or area of special interest

    • Journalist interviews mixed race activist in front of multiracial protest mob.

      Welcome to Week 2

      Let’s look ahead to what we will cover this week when we will be examining the important job many journalists do in covering and reflecting communities. How well do you think different areas or groups are covered in the media?

    • Two cheerful female friends fill paper bags with food donations as they volunteer.

      Exploring 'communities' in news

      Let’s look more closely at how different groups, areas and communities are covered by news outlets and find a story of your own related to this.

    • A policeman being interviewed on camera at an incident.

      What is a 'patch' and how to cover one?

      Let’s take a closer look at how to cover a local area or ‘patch’ as a journalist. You will also hear some tips which will get reporters ahead of the opposition so that they are first with important local news.

    • A camera records a hairstylist washing a clients hair wearing a face mask.

      Covering your own community - newsgathering

      Get some more tips on how to find stories in your local area or community - and then have a go at finding one of your own.

    • A male reporter filming himself on a digital camera in the street

      Weekly wrap-up

      Let’s wrap up our journalistic journey for this week with a quiz designed to get you thinking about what we have covered. Then we will look ahead to what’s coming next in this ExpertTrack.

  • Week 3

    The power of social media in reporting and journalism

    • Apple iPad with Facebook.com web site on screen, resting on a newspaper.

      Introduction to Week 3

      We’re looking at the power and use of social media in news this week. Let’s find out more about how we are going to do that and what the week has in store.

    • Five people standing against a wall looking at their phones, colourful dots and lines on the wall connect them all.

      The value of social media

      What’s the value of social media to journalism, reporting and news organisations? Let’s click through and find out.

    • White computer mouse cable forming a thumbs up symbol on blue background

      What makes a good SM post for news?

      Let’s analyse some of the ways that social media posts for news can grab our attention and make us ‘click’.

    • A young boy sitting at a vintage computer. He wear a paper bag on his head, which has a drawing of a trolls face on it.

      The trouble with social media

      It’s not all puppies, smiles, chatting and contact-building on social media. Let’s look at some of the problems it brings for audiences, users and journalists.

    • A male reporter filming himself on a digital camera in the street

      Weekly wrap-up

      Let’s look back across the week and recap on what we’ve covered - and have a taste of what’s coming next.

  • Week 4

    Personal stories in the news

    • Front page of The Sun, headline "My heart stopped for 40 seconds"

      Introduction to Week 4

      Let’s dive into Week 4 and see what is coming up.

    • Image of a stack of newspapers

      Finding 'you' and 'I' in the news

      Let’s analyse some news stories and websites for examples of ‘personalisation’ of news stories and content.

    • BBC staff protest the jailing of Al Jazeera staff outside the BBC office in London

      Reporters becoming part of the story

      Trends for reporters putting themselves into stories come and go and digital technology has brought more informality to some story-telling in news. But does more of the reporter or presenter mean less objectivity?

    • A male reporter filming himself on a digital camera in the street

      End of the course

      Let’s recap what we’ve covered this week and in this course before we wrap it up.

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  • Available now

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What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Summarise the essential ingredients of good reporting
  • Develop news judgement
  • Reflect on different communities being represented in the news
  • Discuss the power of social media
  • Explore impartiality and personal news stories

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for anyone with an interest in media reporting.

It will be of particular interest if you are an aspiring journalist or writer.

If you want to further your subject knowledge, you may also be interested in these courses. They’re from the same provider and share similar overall learning outcomes:

Who developed the course?

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The University of Kent

The University of Kent, the UK’s European university, is one of the country’s most dynamic universities. Established in 1965, it now has 19,850 students studying at its various campuses.

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  • Printed and digital certificate when you’re eligible

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  • Courses are split into weeks, activities, and steps to help you keep track of your learning
  • Learn through a mix of bite-sized videos, long- and short-form articles, audio, and practical activities
  • Stay motivated by using the Progress page to keep track of your step completion and assessment scores

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  • Experience the power of social learning, and get inspired by an international network of learners
  • Share ideas with your peers and course educators on every step of the course
  • Join the conversation by reading, @ing, liking, bookmarking, and replying to comments from others

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  • Whenever you’re ready, mark each step as complete, you’re in control
  • Complete 90% of course steps and all of the assessments to earn your certificate

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