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Develop the crucial skills you need to confidently step into any leadership role and advance in your career.
Refine your leadership acumen with this online nano MBA by mastering empowerment and adaptive leadership, effective delegation, and team management.
Elevate your career and become a strategic leader by gaining versatile set of skills in strategic thinking with this online nano-MBA.
Propel your career and become a strategic leader in your organisation by mastering persuasive communication and fundamental data analysis skills.
Advance your managerial career in business, accounting, marketing, and HR with this online microcredential from College Online.
Professional Certificate
Produce an action plan to use trauma-informed practices to support your students, colleagues, school or workplace.
Develop key strategic thinking skills to help improve your decision-making and become an effective leader.
Gain the skills to successfully steer an organisation through change to improve performance and help transform a business.
Master the fundamentals of finance, financial markets, and corporate accounting to unlock leadership careers in financial management.
Understand the economy and its regulation to situate your business in its wider context and respond to global economic challenges.
Understand changes in global marketplaces and product life cycles to meet the challenges of an evolving supply chain industry.