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Find a new passion, rekindle an old one, progress further in your career, or fast track your professional development... it’s up to you.
Learn how to harness AI technology to plan and deliver compelling content, automate marketing processes, and boost efficiency.
Discover the benefits of multilingualism to enhance your practice in classroom, clinical, and home settings.
Discover the art of computer programming and learn what code can do with the Institute of Coding and the University of Leeds.
Understanding the complexity and diversity of transfer medicine for critically ill patients across a global landscape.
Understand how exercise can prevent and treat chronic diseases as you learn how to meet the different needs of your patients.
Learn how chemical engineering can help to solve global challenges and explore its role in delivering sustainable development.
Discover the fundamentals of content design. Learn how to design accessible content that meets user needs.
Here’s what you need to know about Unlimited.
What are the benefits of Unlimited?
What courses are included?
What about courses I've already taken and lost access to?
How do I renew Unlimited?
What happens at the end of my subscription period if I cancel my Unlimited subscription?
What happens if I decide to renew after my subscription expires?