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How do you change dietary behaviour?

There are many ways to make small but effective changes to dietary behaviour. Here, we summarise a few practical steps.
Practical Steps
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There are many ways to make small but effective changes to dietary behaviour. Here, we summarise a few practical steps:

  • Try and follow a dietary pattern based on wholefoods
  • Enjoy a variety of plant food: fruits, vegetables, legumes, wholegrain cereals, nuts, and seeds
  • Make better choices around ultra-processed fast foods with high amounts of added sugars, unhealthy fats and salt
  • Start small, with sustainable changes.

Practical tips around food

Simple, achievable changes are the best way to ensure long-term sustainable changes. You might like to consider the following examples:

Practical tips around food
© Deakin University 2021

Eating well on a budget

As discussed in the costs of dietary treatment, eating well does not have to be expensive. Here are some tips to help you succeed:

  • Cook at home
  • Organise your fridge and pantry (stock up on frozen and canned veggies, oils, grains, legumes, and beans)
    • You could buy a small non-perishable item as an extra every time you do grocery shopping to stock up
    • Whenever cooking at home, make at least one extra portion to freeze for the future
  • Plan your meals
    • Spend some time each week planning meals and making a grocery list
    • Aim to buy only the items on your grocery list while shopping
  • Buy fresh produce in season and look for specials
    • Commonly, major supermarkets design the layout of foods so that the outer perimeter has the majority of fresh produce
    • Products placed on the upper and lower shelf are usually cheaper than those at the eye level
  • Organise shopping and cooking groups
    • Shopping and cooking with friends or relatives could help share expenses, provide support and skills, and exchange knowledge (and fun!).

Your task

This is a great opportunity to prepare a plan for your dietary changes.

© Deakin University
This article is from the free online

Food and Mood: Improving Mental Health Through Diet and Nutrition

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